‘He got her some flowers. She ain’t gonna load one thing?’ Costco Customer Shamed A Woman For Not Helping A Man Load Groceries Into A Car
by Matthew Gilligan
Every relationship is different…
Some men think they have to do all the hard work and heavy lifting so their lady can relax and not be bothered.
And then there are couples who work together and do everything as a team.
The man in this video clearly belongs in the first category.
He was filmed by a TikTokker named JP who posted a video of the man unloading all the things from a shopping cart in a Costco parking lot while his lady friend doesn’t help out at all.
A woman was recorded in a Costco parking lot standing behind a shopping cart as a man loaded all of the items from it into their vehicle.
JP called the woman a “passenger princess.”
As the man unloaded items, JP said, “Passenger princess for sure, she ain’t helping her husband at all. Red flag, homie! Look she ain’t move. I mean, I guess that’s how it’s supposed to be, but come on man.”
JP then went on to say, “She is not moving. For real, legit, she ain’t move one foot. And he got her some flowers right there. Is she gonna move? She ain’t gonna load one thing? You think she’ll put the basket back? You guys think she’ll put the basket back?”
Take a look at the video and see what you think.
And here’s how people reacted.
This person is impressed with this guy.
Another TikTok user said she doesn’t even keep her man company when he does this.
And this individual said he has no problem doing this.
Yanno… some guys don’t want their gals to do that kind of work.
Different strokes for different folks!

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