September 2, 2023 at 2:47 am

‘If you’ve got a fraternity destroying a campus…’ People Revisit The “Teen Movies” Where They Now Side With The Adults

by Trisha Leigh

TeenMovieAgreeAdult If you’ve got a fraternity destroying a campus... People Revisit The Teen Movies Where They Now Side With The Adults

When you’re a kid, you kind of dismiss the parents in teen movies as the killjoys they seem to be – it’s not about them, after all.

The older you get, though, the more you can see the parents’ point-of-view (and attractive qualities, as well).

So, if you’re over a certain age, it might be time for a rewatch of these teen classics.

Get off my lawn.

Mr. Wilson in Dennis the Menace.

Seriously, f**k that little miscreant and his parents that turn a blind eye to his shenanigans.


In Dirty Dancing, Jerry Orbach just wanted a family summer vacation and instead learned entirely too much about his daughters’ sex lives.

Jerry Orbach also teaches an important life lesson to everyone. Near the end, he says, “When I’m wrong, I say I’m wrong” which if more people could do we’d be in a better place.

Absolutely not.

Sixteen Candles.

I rewatched it recently and I now do not approve of Samantha going anywhere near Jake Ryan.

The pitch-perfect sarcasm.

Gene Wilder in original Charlie and the Chocolate factory

“stop, don’t… come back”

This is how I feel about children now.

Oh, for sure.

The movie “Juno”.

Jennifer Garner’s character is at first portrayed as a “square”, then you realize she’s a mature adult and her husband is a man-baby.

Thank her for something!

Diary of a wimpy kid.

Bro, your mom just wants to stop being a housewife and have a job and you complain that she isn’t in the house anymore to be your personal slave, when you get from school you don’t even greet her, you just give her your back pack, you little s*%t.

Do one thing in your life you f**king donkey, did you ever thank her for anything Gregory?

I mean honestly.

Winnie the Pooh.

Rabbit was never against playtime….but can you just not do it in his house or garden you little helions?!?!?

Very good advice.

Sounds blasphemous to say about a movie I dearly love and pushing the definition of teen, but Animal House.

If you’ve got a fraternity destroying a campus and members that are flunking out the Dean has to do something.

And when he tells Flounder “fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son,” well he actually sounds concerned and that is good advice.

Team Zazu.

The Lion King.

Oh I thought Zazu was just an old fun-killer. What do you mean, Simba can’t be king? Why would you prevent the kids from going where they want?

As an adult and father, I’m 100% Team Zazu.

Who would want to live next door?

The Julia Louis-Dreyfus character and her husband in Christmas Vacation.

Everyday, my wife and I are slowly turning into them…

The trifecta.

American Pie.

As a new father, I hope to be like Jim’s dad when my little one is a teenager.

Caring, loving and a complete embarrassment to them.

Just doing their best.


The parents were so young and just doing their best. I like it was a group of neighbors that were best friends too. I get really stressed out on their behalf now.

Especially the one where didi just wants to make it home before her banana tree she bought died in the car but no one could get their s*%t together.

We would advise against it.

The mom in Ice Princess. So you have a daughter who has a talent for and seems to like physics and has a shot of getting into harvard.

This girl throws it away for ice skating where she has only been competing for less than a year, where if she gets injured she’s done and when she reaches 30 she’s pretty much done.

There is no way she is at an olympic level at that point she would need years of training!

Hell yes I would advise against it to!

I definitely need to give some of these another look.

Hopefully they’re not too cringe through modern eyes.