‘If pants have belt loops, a belt must be worn.’ A Woman Got Written Up Because Her Work Uniform Didn’t Comply, So She Followed The Dress Code Word For Word
by Matthew Gilligan
Dress codes sure do seem to cause a lot of grief for workers these days.
And people get worked up when their asked to change their look.
But there are ways to have a little fun with this kind of stuff and this woman seems to have found a good way to mess with her employers!
Check out what she had to say in the story below.
I altered my uniform to comply with the dress code in my employee handbook.
“Back when I (now a 37f) was younger with a lot of attitude and a loud mouth, I worked for a nice Italian restaurant in my hometown.
I didn’t have a single issue with management until seven months into my employment when a male manager joined the team. He was a bit of a misogynist. He would make backhanded comments about women, and he only had issues with the female staff.
He wrote me up for some ridiculous reasons, one being opening the dock door “too hard”, when it was a heavy steel door that you had to put some muscle into to open. He fired another lady who was pregnant for asking to be put in a section closest to the kitchen. She filed a lawsuit and won too.
One day, I walked into work. He pulled me into the office immediately and presented me with a write up slip. It was because I was not wearing a belt. The dress code stated “IF pants have belt loops, a belt must be worn”.
Okay, my uniform that day didn’t comply with the dress code. The issue was that I hadn’t worn a belt in 7 months while he and the other managers never mentioned it. In my opinion, the appropriate thing to say would’ve been “hey, I see you haven’t been wearing a belt and we haven’t been enforcing it.
Dress code says you must wear a belt if you have belt loops. I’ll give you (x amount of days) to purchase one before I start enforcing”. I just got a straight write up.
So I went home and cut off all the belt loops off all of my work pants.
The next day, immediately upon walking in, he asked where my belt was. I pointed to my pants and said “where are my belt loops?” The employee handbook stated “IF there are belt loops” but I no longer had belt loops.
Let’s just say it didn’t make him like me anymore, but I felt like a hero standing up to him in such a petty manner.”
Take a look at how folks reacted.
One person was impressed by what she did.
Another reader has had some experience with issues like this.
And one person talked about how they quit a previous job over the dress code.
Good for her! I love it when a company’s own words can be used against them.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, business, dress code, dress codes, employment, jobs, malicious compliance, outrage, picture, reddit, top, work, working

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