October 12, 2023 at 12:56 am

‘She handed me a list of demands.’ A Woman Who Recently Gave Birth Talked About The Horrible Visit She Received From Her Mother

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: TikTok/@courtneyb_says

We hear a lot of horror stories about women dealing with terrible mothers-in-law, but a viral TikTok video posted by a woman named Courtney tells a different side to the story.

In her video, Courtney talked to viewers about how awful her own mother was to her after she gave birth.

Courtney said she had a C-section and, while recovering in the hospital, she asked her mother to bring her some food.

She said, “She brought me canned food from her pantry that was about to expire.


Source: TikTok/@courtneyb_says

She said her mother came to visit her once she was home with the baby supposedly to help out for a few days while Courtney got settled and Mommy Dearest proceeded to cook a whole package of bacon and leave a huge, greasy mess on the stovetop and the floor.

And then things got worse…

Courtney said her mom got into her liquor cabinet and went to town on the booze.

She sarcastically said, “Every baby that has just gotten out of the NICU needs a mom that can barely get out of bed and a drunk grandma on the couch.”

Source: TikTok/@courtneyb_says

And then there was the grand finale.

Courtney said, “She handed me a list of demands for her next visit that included a wall clock for the guest room, softer hand towels for the bathroom, and an electric can opener.”


Source: TikTok/@courtneyb_says

Let’s see what she had to say.


Courtney posted a follow-up question and talked about why someone who’s been treated like she was would still speak to that parent.


Here’s what people had to say.

This viewer asked a great question…

Source: TikTok/@courtneyb_says

Another TikTokker shared advice about how she should handle this from now on.

Source: TikTok/@courtneyb_says

And this individual suggested that she go no contact with her mother.

Source: TikTok/@courtneyb_says

Toxic parents are the absolute worst.
