Her Coworkers Complained That They Were Hungry During The Long Drive Home, So She Gave Them A Salty Snack And Refused To Give Them Anything To Quench Their Thirst
by Jayne Elliott
When you’re an adult with a job, you shouldn’t expect your coworkers to buy things for you.
In today’s story, a woman working in sales is so sick of her coworkers that never buy their own snacks and always try to mooch snacks off of everyone else.
Cue the petty revenge!
Let’s see what she does…
Ask & you shall receive.
About 25 years ago I used to work in sales.
There would be about 4-5 people in a van and we would work 12-14 hour days.
I usually would bring my own lunch, snacks & drinks, but we would stop at convenience stores to buy stuff too.
She finally bought the moochers some chips to shut them up.
There were 2 guys in the van that mooched food or would ask other people to buy them food because they were always hungry.
One night I got sick of hearing them whine.
We were at our last comfort stop before the 2 hour drive home and I didn’t want to listen to them whine about being hungry the whole trip.
I bought myself a sandwich & a liter of soda & a big bag of Fritos. Gave the bag of Fritos to the two moochers.
They seriously need to bring their own snacks next time!
They were all happy…. for about a half hour.
Then they started to ask for something to drink.
Sorry, you only said you were hungry, not thirsty.
I don’t have anything for you to drink.
Then they asked if they can have some of my soda.
I finished the last bit of it in front of them & took a nap.
I hope they like Fritos!
Word got around about what I did so anytime they asked for food the only thing people would buy for them was Fritos.
Eventually they quit asking.
My boyfriend said I was mean, but I taught them a lesson.
They were just taking advantage of her generosity.
I didn’t mind helping someone that needed it, but these 2 could afford their own food and just tried to take advantage of everyone.
So be careful what you ask for.
They only asked for something to eat. I did exactly what they asked.
They didn’t even deserve the Fritos.
They should buy their own or come prepared with their own snacks.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
This reader loves Frios!
I hope the boyfriend likes Fritos!
Here’s another idea for revenge…
This reader would’ve approached the situation completely differently…
Next time they need to pay for their own snacks.
They are supposed to be adults after all.
If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.

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