October 5, 2023 at 2:45 pm

The Shirk Report – Volume 756

by Ashley Dreiling

Definition Of Shirk REport The Shirk Report   Volume 756

Welcome to the Shirk Report where you will find 20 funny images, 10 interesting articles and 5 entertaining videos from the last 7 days of sifting. Most images found on Reddit; articles from Digg, Kottke, WITI, Facebook, Twitter, and email; videos come from everywhere. Any suggestions? Send a note to submit@twistedsifter.com



Sound advice, but…
This look
Need costume ideas?
Fungi are amazing to behold
Electrical energy matters
Soda can stove
Owl release day at local animal shelter
Absolute legend
Coulda woulda shoulda
Underwater waterfall
Taekwondo agility training
The tree you drew when you were 5 has come to life
Ratatouille-ing dancing rats
“I see you”
Cutest farmer on Earth
A 3,000-year-old perfectly-preserved sword recently discovered in German
Loving the energy here
Adult swim
Until next week



Five Hollywood Memoirs From Sincerely Nice Actors
How imposter syndrome became the new normal
The bacteria that can capture carbon
Is Your Job ‘Quiet Cutting’ You? Here’s What You Need To Watch Out For.
People Share Comebacks That They Say Work Against All Insults
Ketamine Is Killing the Dancefloor
Let Them Bake Cake
The Worst YouTube Apology Videos of All Time
He Left His In-Laws’ House When His Daughter Said She Felt Uncomfortable. Is He a Jerk?
Jason Belmonte, the World’s Best Bowler, Understands That You’ve Probably Never Heard of Him














Shirk Volume 756 Featured Image The Shirk Report   Volume 756