October 30, 2023 at 3:18 pm

‘Uber Eats has found a whole new way to scam us.’ Customer Finds That Her Uber Eats Driver Bought Themselves Food And Charged Her For It

by Laura Lynott

Source: TikTok/@kallidaze

This Uber Eats customer claims she was scammed by a delivery driver who went shopping on her tab!

@Kallidaze told her followers on TikTok: “Uber Eats has found a whole new way to scam us. Yay! Last night I ordered groceries and the groceries that arrived were less than what I ordered. But the amount, the cost was more. How does that happen?”

I have no idea but I think you’re about to tell me…

Source: TikTok/@kallidaze

The TikToker continued: “So, I’m with Uber chat people and first focusing on little things, like I ordered a watermelon for $2. But I got three watermelon slices for $3.57 but okay, no, if I finally get this lady to give me the receipt because she’s telling me over and over that they only charged what’s on the actual receipt, but she just kept sending me the Uber app receipt. And I’m like, I want to see the actual receipt.”

All of this for a food delivery… I’m walking to that shop, right?!

Source: TikTok/@kallidaze

But it doesn’t end there.

She added: “Like, I don’t trust the app anymore. This is not the receipt. Where’s the store receipt? It’s not in the bag. Okay, well, when she finally sends me the store receipt, guess what?”.

Source: TikTok/@kallidaze

This next bit is hard to believe!

She added: “The guy bought himself a bunch of food. Oh, and he got himself a bag to carry it with. That’s an extra 10 cents. But that’s where all the extra money came from. And Uber didn’t do anything about it. She literally just ended the chat. She’s like ‘Well, can you mark on the receipt? What items were there?’

“Well, first of all, you should know what’s on there because you have your Uber receipt. So, you know what I ordered and you know that I didn’t order a pot roast, right. So, why do I need to mark it for you? Isn’t that your job? Why did I pay a$30 service fee on this order?”

And in a call to action, she tells her followers: “I hope you guys aren’t willing to tolerate this either because this aggression cannot stand right. Like if you agree, press my buttons because we got to do something about it. Thanks.”

Watch the full clip here:


Uber tells you they are charging you what’s on the receipt—but they dont even check! This grocery delivery driver bought himself food on my order and #ubereats did nothing about it!! #fyp #uber #delivery #scam #fraud #storytime #thisisnotokay

♬ Belonging – Muted

Here’s what viewers thought of the secret shopper incident!

Someone tried a chargeback but another person said this did NOT work for them!

Source: TikTok/@kallidaze

A lot of folk don’t seem ‘appy with their delivery services!

Source: TikTok/@kallidaze

Things have got to be right, especially if this poster can’t get out to the shop easily!

Source: TikTok/@kallidaze

And this is why I never use Uber Eats.

Think about it…