‘My husband told me he did this to repay me.’ She Missed Her Exams After Her Husband Deliberately Made Her Late
by Trisha Leigh
There are so many women on Reddit who are with men waving big ol’ red flags, but they are totally colorblind until someone points out the truth.
OP has been married for a year. She’s finishing up her degree program, and so has been “no fun” lately since she’s needing to study.
I f23 have been married to my husband m26 for a year. I’m in my last year of university and been so so busy for the last two weeks, with many projects and finals looming.
Her husband has been whining around, yelling at her, etc every time she turns down a night out or a night off in favor of studying. She tells him that it won’t be forever, but it goes in one ear and out the other.
My husband complains from seeing me studying and not doing activities together or hanging out with friends anymore.
I’ve told him it’s not gonna last forever and that I need to focus because this is my last year and it’s been the hardest.
On the morning of her exams, she woke up late to find that her husband had purposely set her alarm clock back so she would oversleep.
The day before the exam he wanted me to go with him to a friend’s birthday party. I refused because I was busy preparing for my exam. he pleaded with me saying it’s just one hour and talked about how his friends will be upset if I’m not there. I said no and shut down any further discussions. He got upset and called me selfish and inconsiderate but then dropped it.
Before I went to bed, I set my alarm clock like I always do since I’m a heavy sleeper+I stayed up late studying. The next morning I woke up at 9am. I literally freaked out and checked my alarm and found that it was set to go off at 9:30 am.
I had no idea how this happened til my husband told me he did this to repay me for refusing to take one hour to attend the party so he took this hour from my time.
She screamed at him and ran to school, only to have been locked out of the exams.
I couldn’t believe it I absolutely blew up at him just yelling and screaming at him left and right. He just stood there shocked from my reaction and my rage. I got dressed quickly and rushed to the university.
They didn’t let me into the exam hall. I got into a lot of hassle to get them to re-schedule the exam especially since I had no legit reason as to why I was late. It was awful is all I can say.
At home, he was playing the victim and guilting her about yelling.
I went home and my husband and I stopped speaking to each other. He kept acting as if I hurt his feelings and traumatized him by yelling. And that I deserve what he did since he was frustrated with my continual refusal to attend all events for the past 2 weeks.
I might be wrong for not considering it but I think that my exams should be a priority and his way of “teaching me a lesson” was not right.
Reddit, do your thing….
The top comment says they would have given the husband the boot then and there.
They say selfish is too light a label for this guy.
This person says everything she stated smacks of abuse.
And this commenter says this should be the first and last straw.
This is completely unacceptable and appalling behavior on his part.
It’s definitely bad that OP doesn’t realize she’s 100% right without asking.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, controlling husband, husband, picture, red flag, reddit, relationship red flag, top, wife

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