December 22, 2023 at 2:23 pm

Company Tells Employee They’re “Contemptuous” But Was Given No Reasons Why. So They Got Silent Revenge And A Huge Project Failed.

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit/AITA/Unsplash/@thisisengineering

Has anyone ever told you that you were “contemptuous”?

That’s not a good thing…

In fact, it’s downright insulting!

And the person who wrote this story on Reddit talked about what they did after their boss called them that offensive word.

Check out how they handled the situation.

Don’t Make Others Uncomfortable?

“About 10 years ago I worked in a team of scientists (which is almost enough the drop the mic right here 😄) when one day our boss told me others perceive me as “contemptuous.”

They were blindsided.

I was shocked beyond words. I certainly did not feel superior or feel contempt for anyone.

I was so flabbergasted I was silent for probably 2 solid minutes.

I asked for an example of when something I had said or done gave someone that feeling.

He said he couldn’t divulge that information.


Then I asked for an example he had experienced or observed himself. He said he had none.

I said, “Since I have no clue what I’ve done, how am I supposed to adjust my behavior?”

He said he didn’t know.

I said, “Basically then, I just need to not talk?”

He said he wasn’t sure. I knew right then what to do.

Okay, whatever you say!

I am pretty introverted; and as a child I didn’t talk for years. I rarely spoke until I was about 13 years old.

Got lots of notes from teachers about how quiet I was. I would answer questions when directly asked, but rarely spoke otherwise.

So, my malicious compliance in this situation was easy for me.

I just stopped talking except when asked a question. I made a point of smiling, showing I was listening, nodding agreement, etc.

I was extremely polite and agreeable.

Keep your lip zipped!

Pretty soon some big issues came up that I had specific knowledge about. I knew how to solve them, but no one else asked.

A huge conflict came up between two of our labs because one group wanted it one way and the other group had a different opinion.

They fought and fought.

People were having secret meetings in their offices to try to win. And when they finally arrived at the action they chose it was wrong.

In fact, both groups were wrong. And the whole experiment failed.

There were a lot of issues.

It’s important to know no one was hurt, no property damage or anything like that. Just a LOT of wasted time and expense on materials. But I never said a word. This went on for three weeks. The lab’s budget had to be revised. They had to cut travel expenses, which I was ok with because I didn’t want to travel anyway.

So, no conferences for anyone. This is a big deal for a lot of researchers because it’s how we gain notoriety to be able to get grants, among other things.

Someone finally broke the silence.

Finally a colleague asked me why I hadn’t spoken for so long, why I was so quiet. Was something wrong? I explained about being told others perceive me as contemptuous. She had the same expression I did when I was told. She said she didn’t believe anyone had said that about me.

I honestly was surprised again because I believed our boss. Then she asked me what I thought about the experiment design and why it was failing. I told her about the solution I believed would work, which was actually surprisingly simple. She recognized it had a good chance of succeeding and asked me to share the idea at the next department meeting.

Their co-workers were about to get schooled.

At that meeting she asked me again in front of everyone and I repeated what I told her. Several people asked why I hadn’t spoken up sooner. I explained I had been given feedback that indicated I caused others to feel uncomfortable.

The whole table of colleagues also looked stunned at me. I said I was committed to not causing such bad feelings and couldn’t figure out how to communicate because the feedback didn’t give me any specific guidance.

And they let them know what had been going on.

Everyone looked at the Director at that point and he said, we shouldn’t discuss personnel issues. Ha! It was my issue, so I said, “if anyone here perceives me as contemptuous and said as much to our boss, that’s the reason I haven’t been talking. If you don’t feel that way about me, let me know and I will stop being silent.”

Someone else said we needed to hold a vote so there wouldn’t be any more confusion or talking behind anyone’s back. They voted 100% for me to talk normally and that they didn’t agree that I was ever contemptuous.

The experiment worked out!

That Director slowly stopped coming to work, month by month after this episode, until he was only showing up 1 day a week. Finally he took a lab position elsewhere and one of my colleagues was promoted to Director.

And… the experiment was a success. The next year I got a grant to keep the research going and paid for two people to be able to travel to the related conference to present our findings.”

Check out what folks had to say about this.

This person had quite a story to tell.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another individual shared how they dealt with something like this.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This reader brought up a pretty dumb technique…

Source: Reddit/AITA

This individual was impressed with this malicious compliance.

Source: Reddit/AITA

And one person thinks this person was just a bad manager.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Jeez, that whole place just sounded uncomfortable.

But it sounds like they’re doing just fine these days!

If you thought those co-workers were jerks, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.