Daughter Bullied A Kid For Being Poor “Trailer Trash”, So Parents Show Her What It’s Like When All Her Privileges Are Gone
by Matthew Gilligan
Call me crazy, but I think anyone who bullies someone else because they’re poor needs a serious wake-up call.
Especially a teenager so they can move forward in life knowing that it was plain WRONG.
But that’s just my opinion…read this Reddit story and see if you think this dad was out of line for punishing his daughter.
AITA for punishing my 16-year-old step-daughter after we found out she was bullying a kid for being poor.
“About 2 months ago my wife (f38) and I (m41) learned my step-daughter (f16) was bullying a girl in school over being poor, getting free lunch at school and not being able to afford necessities such as her own nice car and stuff.
He admitted their kid was spoiled.
Our daughter was kinda spoiled, we provided her with everything she needed along with an allowance and a part time job at my company (small family service business).
We’ve been considered middle-class, doing things others weren’t as privileged to do such as buying our daughter a car on her 16th birthday.
I come from a family of immigrants and was considered in poverty growing up, after learning about the bullying I was furious as we thought we didn’t raise her to behave that way.
She was in honors and top ranking of her class.
He tried to discuss this with her.
I tried to talk to our daughter over why she would do that and i was disturbed to learn it was because she viewed that girl as “trailer trash” which irritated me.
The girl from what i learned is very smart and works hard, she bought her own beater car by herself and works 2 jobs.
She considered the money our family had as our family’s money, so i put her in her place and told her that it was not her money but her mom and I’s money.
He decided to take action.
I decided from that point i was spoiling my daughter too much, we ended up taking away her latest iphone and replacing it with my old iphone 8 (by switching phones with me) with a talk and text plan .
We took away her family credit card, sold her car, along with her macbook and other luxuries.
I also told her should would have to find a job without nepotism and work a minimum wage job like everyone else her age, because i’m done giving her handouts if shes gonna act entitled.
His daughter is now facing a new reality but she isn’t happy about it.
Fast forward 2 months later, she is working at a fast food restaurant with us driving her around. She doesn’t talk to me unless she needs something like a ride but is very upset with me.
My wife feels like i am taking this too far because its affecting her social status and grades and school. I however feel like she needs to be humbled because i can’t have a daughter who will disrespect people just because the amount of money they have.
I also feel that her behaving this way will affect her younger sister (f12) and how she precieves the world.
AITA for punishing my 16-year-old step-daughter after we found out she was bullying a kid for being poor?
Here’s what Reddit users said.
This reader said he’s NTA and they’re proud of him.
Another Reddit user shared their own story.
This individual had a similar story to tell.
This person said he did the right thing.
I wouldn’t put up with that if I were a parent.
Nice work!
If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.

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