His Ex-Wife Divorced Her New Husband Because He Got Sick. Now He’s Barring Her From Attending His Memorial Service.
by Matthew Gilligan
In my experience, funerals bring out the best and the WORST in people.
And that makes sense because those kinds of experiences are highly emotional and a lot of family issues come to the surface and things can get ugly.
The guy who wrote this story on Reddit’s “Am I the *******?” page banned his son’s mom from a memorial service and he wants to know if he went too far.
Check out his story below.
AITA for banning my son’s mom from a memorial?
“My ex wife Diana have three boys who are 16, 12 and 10. We divorced pretty much after the youngest was born. We also both remarried.
She married Christopher and got a divorce last year after seven years of marriage.
I’m still happily married to my wife Jessica.
Christopher’s situation went downhill in more ways than one.
Christopher and my boys were pretty close and they were bummed when the divorce happened. I always got along with the dude.
A few months after the divorce, Christopher disclosed that the divorce was over his being diagnosed over adenocarcinoma and Diana not wanting to be his nursemaid or responsible for his medical bills.
Checks out.
He told me this because he wanted to leave whatever he had to my kids. Unfortunately, he had no family of his own. Obviously I said of course and signed paperwork.
And, sadly, this guy wasn’t going to be around for too long.
A few months ago, I got a call from a social worker saying that Christopher was a few months from passing away and unable to care for himself. He gave her my number.
Basically they needed someone to help with end of life. He had made me his power of attorney.
He was living in a county hospice and my wife and I moved him into our home because he deserved to live his final days in dignity. It also taught my kids about compassion.
Unfortunately he passed away after two weeks. He was cremated a few days ago and me, my wife, my kids and a few of our friends are planning to spread his ashes at the beach this weekend.
He told Diana how he really felt about her.
Diana asked if she could attend and I told her to kick rocks. She wanted nothing to do with him when he was passing away.
I’m not saying Christopher was a burden but that’s really sad that this dude had to reach out to his ex wife’s first husband like he did. It was clearly more her responsibility.
I said she can’t sit there and let us do all the hard work so she can come in at the end as the grieving widow.
And he’s not holding back.
My older son thinks I should let her come and I told him to mind his own business and mouth.
I’m not going to sugarcoat your mom for you. Your mom is a witch and will be treated the same way she treated your stepdad.”
And here’s how people reacted.
This person said he’s NTA at all.
Another reader had some choice words for his ex.
This Reddit user said he’s NTA and talked about Christopher.
And this individual offered some advice about how to handle this with his kids.
This sounds like a pretty ugly situation.
For everyone involved…
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