December 13, 2023 at 10:27 am

‘She accused me of ruining her daughter’s party.’ – Mom Drama Rears Its Head At A Four-Year-Old’s Birthday Party

by Trisha Leigh

Source: Reddit/AITA/iStock

If you’re a mom, you’re probably already immune – or getting that way – to the drama that infests pretty much every type of “mom group” there is.

If you’re not, well…you might be the drama.

OP has two kids, a boy and a girl. Her daughter isn’t named for a Disney princess, but she does share a name with one.

I (34F) have two kids (8M & 4F). My daughter’s name is Aurora. My husband (36M) and I chose that name because it was slightly similar to my late FIL’s, and worked well with our last names. It had nothing to do with the princess from Sleeping Beauty.

In spite of that, we’ve had fun with that movie in the past, and ever since my daughter realized that she shared names with a Disney character, Princess Aurora has been her favorite.

Once her daughter figured this out that of course became her favorite princess, and she wears the costume dress as often as she can.

Our family went to Disney World in July, and while there, we bought my daughter a Princess Aurora costume.

She adores it, and wears it whenever she has the chance.

When she was invited to a princess party and asked to wear a costume, of course she chose her favorite – and so did the birthday girl.

Two weeks ago, one of Aurora’s friends from school threw a princess-themed birthday party. She encouraged her friends to wear costumes. My daughter wanted to go as her favorite character, which didn’t surprise me at all.

When we got to the party, the birthday girl came to greet my daughter, and she was also dressed as Princess Aurora. I didn’t know what her costume was going to be prior to the party.

The birthday girl seemed delighted to have a “twin,” but after a while, the girl’s mother asked OP to change her daughter’s clothes.

I got worried for a second, but the birthday girl was actually really excited. She said that they looked like twins. It was adorable. They ran off to play and I forgot about the costumes for a while.

About 30 minutes into the party, I was at a table with some of the other moms when the birthday girl’s mother came up to me. She asked if I had brought any spare clothes for Aurora.

I said yes (I always bring an extra shirt and shorts for her). She then asked me to change my daughter into the spare clothes and out of her costume.

The reason? To avoid having a “duplicate” in the photographs.

The mother explained that she’d hired a photographer to walk around taking pictures of the kids, and was also planning on getting a group photo near the end of the party.

She didn’t want anyone wearing the same costume as her daughter in these pictures. She also thought her daughter might get jealous, since my kid gets to share her name with their favorite princess.

OP thought about it but eventually decided against it.

Now, if the birthday girl was the one who had a problem, I might’ve considered changing Aurora into her spare clothes. But no, she was genuinely excited they were dressed the same.

It also didn’t feel fair to force my daughter to be the only one without a costume in a party full of children in princess dresses.

I said no and explained my reasoning to the girl’s mom. She insisted for a few minutes, but I held my ground. Some of the other moms started to back me up, and she eventually got up and left.

Since then, though, the drama has grown.

When I went to pick up my kids earlier this week, I ran into her friend’s mom. She accused me of ruining her daughter’s party by allowing Aurora to wear the same costume as her.

She told me she doesn’t think she’ll ever be able to look at the pictures without being disgusted by my behavior.

I thought she was exaggerating, but I’m starting to doubt myself. Our conflict has found its way to the mom group chat we’re both in, and opinions over there are divided. Some think having two girls wear the same costume is no big deal, others think I should have changed my daughter’s clothes.


So, Reddit is going to help her decide whether to stand her ground or go ahead and apologize…

The top comment says all that should have mattered is whether or not the birthday girl was having a good time.

Source: Reddit/AITA

After all, that’s what it’s all about, right?

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person says mom could have easily headed this issue off, if she’d wanted.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Wearing the same clothes doesn’t have to be weird.

Source: Reddit/AITA

They all say OP did not do a single thing wrong.

Source: Reddit/AITA

I cannot believe this is a real thing.

Moms like this really need to get over themselves.

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