December 30, 2023 at 2:51 pm

Their Downstairs Neighbor Demanded That She “Walk Normal” In A Creaky Building, So They Maliciously Complied

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit/AITA/Unsplash/@paralitik

Boy, am I glad I don’t live in an apartment building anymore.

Some neighbors were so particular and they complained so much that you felt like you had to walk on eggshells in your own living space.

And that’s what this woman and her husband were going through with a neighbor who just couldn’t be pleased…so all they could do was maliciously comply!

Check out what she had to say.

Downstairs neighbor demands we ‘walk normal’. So we do.

“We’ve been living in this apartment for three years. It’s old. It’s cozy.

The building is ~20 years old and though the appliances and wall paint and carpets have been replaced… the floor has not.

It’s painfully thin. Every step we take creaks and groans and it’s ANNOYING.

Living on the 3rd floor, we know it’s gotta be even more so for whoever lives below us.

So, we’ve done our best to be mindful of their comfort, and try not to make too much noise.

The new neighbor is hard to please.

We had a new downstairs neighbor move in a couple months ago. And she is NOT convinced that we are literally tip-toeing around our apartment.

Every time I get home and close my door? She’s banging on my floor with a broom or something.

Every time I cross the living room? Banging.

Every time I vacuum? Banging.

Every time my dog chews on a bone? She bangs on the dang floor and it scares my poor dog.

We’ve been living on eggshells trying to be courteous, but she’s driving us mad with her insistent BANGING every time we take a step.

She finally had enough.

I guess she had finally ‘had enough’ because she came upstairs to yell at us the other day.

“You are too loud! You need to be courteous and walk normal! You have neighbors!”, she yells.

She almost looked like she was going to cry. It was disturbing.

We felt bad.

My husband tried to explain that, ma’am, we do our best to be quiet, but these floors are really old and they creak. We’re not stomping or jumping or running. We’re living – but we’ll continue to be considerate.

She was NOT impressed with his answer, and continued to argue.

“Well, I lived on a first floor before and my other neighbors weren’t loud like you. It’s so loud and my job is so stressful so I want you to stop stomping. I don’t want to be a mean person but I really think you’re too loud.”

So you know what we agreed to? To walk like normal people.

“Okay, okay, we’ll walk normally,” we said.

This is exactly what we had been doing. Nothing different.

Just trying to be normal…

So she still bangs on the floor and gives us nasty looks.

But we are being normal people who walk normal and don’t stomp around! Our dog is a normal dog who chews on bones and walks from his bed to his food bowl, and gets excited when it’s time for walkies!

We are so normal!

We’ll be moving in the next month so it’s no skin off my back. Hope the next tenant doesn’t have kids… or maybe I do. And then she’ll finally understand that we are normal people who walk normal.

Maybe she’ll miss us.

Here’s what folks had to say.

This person shared their own apartment story.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another reader shared a wholesome story.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This Reddit user made a great point.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another individual lives a pretty wild house.

Source: Reddit/AITA

And this person had a bad experience in Paris.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Some people can’t be pleased no matter what you do!

That’s what this person sounds like!

If you liked that post, check out this post about a rude customer who got exactly what they wanted in their pizza.