December 2, 2023 at 10:23 am

‘They said that I’m greedy.’ Woman Says She’ll Only Be Her Sister’s Guardian If She Gets A Massive Inheritance And Her Family Is Appalled

by Trisha Leigh

Source: Reddit/AITA

bIf there is one thing that can turn a family against each other, it’s the specter or reality of inheritance. As you can see from the following story, it doesn’t even have to deal with a whole bunch of money to really stir up the feelings.

OP has two older brothers who are settled in life and careers and a sister who is some kind of disabled and currently living in a group home.

Her parents have let her know that they want her to be her sister’s guardian after they’re gone, but the more OP thinks about it, the more she’s not sure that’s the best thing.

I (F23) have been told my entire life that if anything happens to my parents I will be my sister’s guardian. She is 33 and has some disabilities. She is currently living in a group home. The government pays for a good portion of the cost but not all. My parents have made sure that they have accessed every resource available for her to make sure she has as good a life as she can.

I was we were visiting her this last weekend when they brought it up again. They are both reasonably healthy but they both had health scares in the last couple of years. They once again said that I would be her guardian.

She sat them down and outlined a few different options, basically saying that she didn’t want the sole responsibility of her sister unless she would inherit their entire estate in order to do it.

I have been giving this a fair bit of thought. I have two older brothers. They are both married and established in their careers. They would be better choices than I am.

I want to go see the world. I am lucky enough that my job can be done from anywhere that I can access the internet.

When we went sort dinner I brought it up and said that I had three ideas.

  • They make all three of us her guardians so we could split the responsibilities and duties.
  • They leave their entire estate to my sister in a trust that will oversee her care.
  • They leave me their entire estate with the proviso that I become her sole guardian and take full responsibility. Minus sentimental stuff for the rest of my family obviously.

I thought that was fair since it’s not like they are rich and their estate will mostly consist of their house and the insurance policies they took out when they realized the long term costs of care for my sister.

They called her selfish and greedy and a bunch of other stuff, to which OP replied she was fine if they wanted to cut her out financially as long as she wasn’t expected to be her sister’s guardian.

They said that I’m trying to shirk my responsibility to my sister and that I’m greedy for trying to get everything.

I had one last suggestion and they really hated it. I said that they were welcome to cut me completely out of their will. But that had to include guardianship of my sister.

They could leave everything to her and my brothers but that meant I would be completely free of responsibility for her care.

Everyone is mad at her, but her brothers also do not want the sole responsibility for their sister.

My dad got really angry and my mom was crying when I left.

My brothers both called me to say I was being an jerk springing this on my parents. And that I was being greedy trying to keep them and their families from getting anything when our parents pass away.

I asked both if them if they wanted 100% responsibility for our sister in return for the entire estate. I volunteered to sign away everything to them.

Neither one took me up on the offer.

This is going to be a tough one, Reddit!

This person says this is not the time to give into guilt.

Source: Reddit/AITA

They say being cut off may be a good thing for OP in the end.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This commenter thinks OP is the only one thinking rationally here.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This one probably hits close to home for many people.

Keep your wits about you and check your heart at the door.