Mom And Stepdad Ask Daughter If They Can Walk Her Down The Aisle, But She’s Choosing Granny Instead
by Matthew Gilligan
I know I might be in the minority on this one, but I don’t want ANY role in ANY wedding ever again.
I just want to be invited so I can sit back, chill, and enjoy the show.
But the folks in this story obviously feel differently…
So was this woman a jerk to her mom and her stepdad?
Let’s see what’s going on here…
AITA for not giving my mom’s husband a role in my wedding?
“My mom married her husband when I (28f) was 16. I met him that same year and only lived in the same house as him for a little over a year before I moved out to go to college.
I never saw him as a father figure, never saw him as a stepdad (meaning not a parent). I get along with him fine and he’s a nice guy but that’s about it. My brother (30m) never lived with him.
Not everyone was happy about what happened at her brother’s wedding…
My brother got married in 2019 and my mom walked him down the aisle opposite his wife and her parents. Mom’s husband was waiting for mom in their seats. He did not include her husband in the wedding as a parent because he wasn’t one to my brother. This is something that upset mom’s husband and I only learned this a few months ago when I got engaged.
And then she got a request…
How I learned this is my mom and her husband mentioned that he was hoping I would ask him or both of them to walk me down the aisle. I chose to ask my (paternal) granny. I chose not to ask mom because she and I had a less close relationship than she and my brother did growing up.
My granny is the person who gave me the support I needed. My mom’s husband told me it had really hurt to be publicly declared not a parent or parent figure when he has always thought of us as his kids in some way.
She had to tell him the truth.
I asked him if a special dance with mom or walking down the aisle with mom would make him feel better and he said no. He said he didn’t want to be just something to mom but to be publicly acknowledged as a father figure. I told him he’s not a father figure to me and I’m sorry that he wants to be but it’s not how I see him.
I asked him if there was something else he would like to do and he said he wanted to walk me down the aisle or perform a father/daughter dance. I told him neither of those were an option. But if he wanted to do something else we could discuss it.
He and mom both mentioned it over the last few months and now my wedding is closing in on us and my mom told me I should have given him an actual role as a parent of the bride. She said it’s breaking his heart to know he only gets to be her husband and not a fatherly figure.
She’s standing her ground.
She asked me if they paid for the wedding, if I would change my mind and I said no. She asked how much they would have to contribute to the wedding for him to get the role as father of the bride and I told her no amount.
He then asked me why I didn’t want him to fill the role when he’s the only father figure I ever knew (my dad died when I was 2). When I spoke to him he told me I was just being cruel and to have both of us reject him as a father figure stung.
Here’s how Reddit users reacted.
One person said she’s NTA and explained why.
Another individual thinks they know what’s really going on here.
This reader nailed it.
Another person said all this does is push her away.
And this Reddit user said she’s NTA and said her stepdad is OVER THE TOP.
Family relations sure can get tricky, huh?
That’s an understatement!
If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.

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