January 11, 2024 at 4:48 am

Victoria’s Secret Customer Discovers Loads Of Merchandise In The Store’s Dumpster. – ‘You took some employee’s haul!’

by Chris Allen

Source: TikTok/@glamourddive

How’s this for an occupation or hobby: dumpster-diving!

Can it be lucrative? Maybe. Can it be dangerous? More likely.

Can it be great fodder for TikTok? Absolutely.

One TikTok user has made it her sworn duty to dive in all the clothing dumpsters, and she came upon one behind a Victoria’s Secret.

The haul looked mighty impressive!

Source: TikTok/@glamourddive

Then uh oh! Security rolls up. This story just got interesting.

As she explains, “I said hi, they ignored me and left”.

Source: TikTok/@glamourddive

Oh well ok, on with the haul!

She proceeds to go through the bag, detailing some pretty pristine looking items from the lingerie chain’s dumpster bag.

Most of them still had tags and all.

Source: TikTok/@glamourddive

She sure does seem like a pro!

Take a look at the full story for yourself:


Replying to @Julie Vardega a few surprise scores at Victoria’s Secret! #dumpster#dumpsterdiving#insane#mall#victoriassecret#glamourddive

♬ girls need love girls edition – lyriq


Pretty incredible what you can find.

Let’s see what the comments section had to say:

One TikTok user took the words right out of my mouth.

Source: TikTok/@glamourddive

While another person was questioning the nonchalant bag-search method.

Source: TikTok/@glamourddive

A couple commenters brought up some good points about the potential origin of that bag.

Source: TikTok/@glamourddive

What do you think, was that an employee’s haul that was intercepted?

Finders Keepers, I guess!

Enjoy that Tok? Check out this video from a former Chipotle employee who reveals how the company cheats customers out of food.