‘We want people who are going to do whatever it takes.’ – Tech Worker Claims That Companies Create Standards That Force People To Lie Constantly
by Laura Lynott
Filling out a resume and keeping to your experience, is always what’s been taught to us, but have we been doing it the right way?
@dinnerpancakes is a former tech boss and he says, NO, absolutely not. Yep, I know. Read on to learn his version of how we should be doing it…
He told his followers on TikTok: “There was a time when I was a very high level person in a technology company and I was in charge of hiring, like mid level directors and senior directors and whatnot.
“And there was a time when we had a particularly esoteric technology that we needed somebody with some experience on it because a lot of our systems and systems for the institutions that we integrated with data wise needed…”
We are hearing the tech experience, but where’s this going? Wait and see….
He continues, “That particular technology had been around for about two years at that point. And we wanted to hire a role to be in charge of the way that technology was implemented and skills and our place. So, anyway, we’re writing the job description and my boss’s CTO at the time, was saying why don’t we asked for eight to 10 years of experience? And I remember saying, ‘Well, that’s, that’s not really possible. Because this technology hasn’t been around that long. So the best we can hope for is maybe about two years of experience.'”
Right, still hearing the tech bit. And now.
Here’s the KICKER…
He spills the tea, “And I’ll never forget what he said to me. He said, ‘Yeah, but here’s the thing. If you have something that you want somebody to have experience with, and you you, you basically set an impossible standard. You say like, I want eight years of experience for something that’s only been out for two years. You’re going to get people who are going to say whatever they need to say in order to get the job and he said that is what we want to hire. We don’t want to hire people with actual experience because experience can be taught. What we want people to have is the internal drive to accomplish an objective and in this particular case, the objective is getting a job’.”
Wait… what? You want people to lie?
“Even if that means lying? I asked. ‘So even if that means lying?’ His response was to shrug and say, ‘That’s just the way the world works, we want people who are going to do whatever it takes to get the job done.’ “Even lying. So, anyway, that’s what they want, they want liars.”
I guess some of us are right about now, redoing our resumes with every application!
Watch the full clip here:
@dinnerpancakes #stitch with @Josh Benson
The internet reacts with mixed views:
Lying ain’t always the key, who knew – lol.
Hmm interesting take!
Such a good point! Does this ever happen with women and POC?!
Hope you all don’t have to go through things like this.
But odds are… you will.
If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.

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