Guy Applies For A Job And Then Is Asked To Do Work For Free. So He Declines In The Best Way Possible. – ‘There was a lengthy Word document attached.’
by Laura Lynott
Looking for a new job is tough in 2024 and just when you think you have grabbed that killer position, maybe you need to rethink the whole thing!
Going back to the drawing board again is never easy on the job hunt, but this job seeker states sometimes it’s the only thing to do, when you’re being asked to work for FREE.
@jonathanhurwitz told his followers on TikTok he’d been looking for a job for an entire year. Man, that is tough. And he was done with being asked to work for free on trials. What he did next is pretty impressive. High fives dude!
He said: “I’ve been applying for jobs for over a year now and it seems to be pretty, pretty common to be asked to complete a some sort of assignment, writing assignment sample assignment as part of the process, and I’ve just done so much free work over the last year.”
How much does that suck? But a lot of people are enduring this and it ain’t right.
He continued: “In one case they actually ended up using something that I wrote for them and I did not get hired. I will not say who, but that happened. Pretty disappointing. So, I think this one that I just got sort of pushed me and pushed me over.”
Our guy flicked to the letter he’d received from yet another potential employer and it was quite a piece of work!
“It begins with ‘Hurray and high fives. Were thrilled to share the fantastic news that you’ve successfully leaped into the next chapter of our hiring journey,’ he said, reading the letter.
He added: “They basically sent me a writing assignment. There was a lengthy Word document attached. And again, I think just after a year of doing this, I finally had the confidence I guess, thanks for the encouragement of a friend. Thank you, Suzanne. To send them this response.”
The TikToker read his reply and it was GOLD! Well done guy. We all need to be a little more Jonathan.
“Thank you for the opportunity to leap into the next chapter,” he wrote. “I know it’s common to be asked to do writing assignments during an interview process, but I’m not comfortable completing the assignment without compensation. I feel confident that my application resume writing sample video interview speaks to my ability as a writer I truly do appreciate the opportunity here. But if compensation isn’t an option, then unfortunately, I’m going to have to decline the opportunity to continue through the process.”
This job seeker just set a tone for us all, right. No more working for free, guys!
Here’s the full glorious clip:
@jonathanhurwitz No, I will not write for free lol. Hooray and high-fives! #knowyourworth #jobinterview #hooray
Here’s what people thought of the response:
He’s already shamed any employer engaging in this!
Out of control, absolutely!
Glad this guy stuck up for himself!
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