Her Boyfriend’s Mom Is Sick So She Stays Over At His Place To Help Her. Now The Woman Is Asking Her To Pay Rent.
by Trisha Leigh
If there’s one thing people on this Reddit sub seem to have in spades, it is audacity. Of course, one party usually has more of it than the other, and that’s how Reddit decides who the a—— is.
At least, I think that’s how it goes.
OP has her own place. Her bf lives at home.
So I (F19) and my boyfriend (M20) live separately.
I have a place of my own that I rent.
my boyfriend lives with his mom still because she’s pretty sick and has no one else to care for her.
Since his mother needs help, OP stays there when her boyfriend works nights.
I stay over there pretty often (maybe 2-3 nights a week) because my boyfriend works night shifts and his mom still needs someone to look after her, so I’m more than happy to stay over and do whatever needs doing.
My boyfriend’s mom is bed bound and needs assistance into her wheelchair to get around.
She can’t wheel the chair herself as she has arthritis (amongst other things) , so wheeling her chair would be much too heavy and strenuous for her.
She needs assistance onto the toilet, into the bath, reaching into kitchen cupboards etc.
Everything in her house has been adapted to be as accessible as it possibly can be, but she still needs a lot of assistance for her daily activities.
I do a lot of these tasks for her during the night, as she sleeps a lot in the day so at night she’s pretty awake and is wanting food/water/bathroom visits.
Now, his mom wants her to pay rent.
However, now she is asking me to pay $350 a month for staying round so often.
This honestly baffles me, because I literally only stay there overnight a few nights a week, I barely use her food, I have the odd shower but that’s IT. I certainly dont use $350 worth of her stuff a month.
This is on top of the $350 that my boyfriend pays her, which is fair enough because he lives there full time.
OP said no.
Why should I pay rent on her house when I already have a place of my own that’s quite expensive?
I told her no, that’s not fair, but now she’s angry at me. My boyfriend is on my side but i can’t help but feel like I could be an AH.
Does Reddit think she’s taking advantage? Let’s find out!
The top comment says OP should probably just stay at home.
This commenter says the woman should be paying OP, actually.
And this person for sure agrees.
Like I said, this woman has some serious audacity.
The woman is living in lala land.
I really hope OP stands up for herself.
And that her boyfriend is a good enough man to realize she’s right and his mother is wrong.
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Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, boyfriend, girlfriend, health, health care, mom, rent, top, white text

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