Her Sister-In-Law Thinks She Upstaged Her At Her Wedding, But She Says She Was Only Being Herself
by Trisha Leigh
It’s a sad fact of life that women are competitive with each other – sometimes when they definitely shouldn’t be.
Yes, it’s the fault of the patriarchy, but knowing that doesn’t help solve the problem in the moment.
OP describes herself as pretty, and knows that bull—- often comes with being considered attractive.
This happened at my (f26) husband’s sister (f31), she got married last week
Please don’t think of this as bragging. I have always been considered physically pretty, people have always told me that. It has its perks and its cons.
I had a hard time because of this when I was at school because let’s say that I was a stereotypical cheerleader.
My point with this is that often other people either only paid attention to me because of my appearance or they thought everything I did was against them (this was a big issue amongst girls, which I think might have something to do with this as well)
Recently, she attended her sister-in-law’s wedding and enjoyed dressing up.
So well, the conflict.
My husband and I got invited to the wedding it was at a very fancy location, truly a very beautiful wedding. So I decided to dress up a little bit.
I had a baby three months ago, I wore a dress with cleavage. When her and her husband were busy catching up with friends, some family members came and complimented my outfit with the always so necessary comment about how good I look because I’ve lost most of my baby weight, you know how much people like to talk about that
She also had to leave a couple of times to nurse her baby.
Then the other incident was because we didn’t bring our baby with us to the wedding.
One of my friends was babysitting for us since she lives nearby, he only breastfeeds so she had to drive him twice so I could feed him.
The first time was when they were giving speeches, so I went to the car, breastfed him and she left.
Then the second time some people wanted to see the baby so as we were outside (because of the music) some of our family came to greet my baby.
Afterward, the bride accused her of trying to steal the spotlight.
The thing is that my other SIL posted photos of the wedding, she posted one of me and her which said “with the prettiest doll” because she calls me Barbie sometimes.
My SIL thought that was very nasty, she posted on IG saying that no matter what, some people always want to shine brighter than others and steal the stoplight even on special occasions. I saw that and I sent her a text like “hey, is everything ok?”
She didn’t answer that day but the next saying that I can’t possibly be this tone deaf and that the post was about me. I was like what??? And she said that because “people” were posting and talking about how pretty I looked at her wedding, how good I look, how lucky my husband is, how pretty my baby is… You get the idea.
I told her “sorry, but I don’t really see how that has anything to do with me” she said that I’m doing this on purpose and to back up her argument she said that in the photo I posted people were commenting on that kind of stuff.
She insists that I wanted to outshine her by basically looking prettier and having people coo at my baby…
So I think this just might be that female competition because I’ve seen it other times.
It wouldn’t be weird to me if she thought that me dressing up or losing weight was something I’ve done to purposely harm her because it has happened to me before. But I don’t want to be too harsh and I want to give the benefit of the doubt because maybe I was wrong.
OP doesn’t think she did anything wrong, but she just wants to double check…
The top comment says the entire thing is totally ridiculous.
This person, though, sided with the bride.
And this commenter agrees.
They think OP stole the attention on purpose.
Not everyone is against OP, though.
This is probably a tough one.
I doubt we have all of the relevant information needed to make a good call, though.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, insecure women, marriage, outshining the bride, picture, sister, top, upstaging the bride

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