His Dad Wouldn’t Give Him A Break While Playing Catch, So He Took His Advice Literally And Let The Ball Hit Him In The Face
Hey, some kids aren’t natural-born athletes…
And some parents seem to have a hard time with that…
Like this guy!
But all I can say is that his son handled this perfectly.
Check out what he did to prove a point to his old man!
When I was a kid, I let a baseball hit me in the face to prove a point.
I was playing catch with my dad and he kept telling me “you don’t need to move your glove, I will put the ball in it” and he was getting increasingly annoyed with me.
In hindsight, he probably meant I was just moving around too much.
Okay, Dad…
But nonetheless, I got tired of him telling me to stop moving my glove, so when he threw the ball to me, I held completely still and let the ball smash into my face, giving me a bloody nose and a nice bruise.
He immediately asked “why didn’t you try to catch it?”
And while I was trying to pull myself together, I said “you told me not to move my glove, you said you would throw the ball right to it”.
No answer for that, huh?
He was absolutely dumbfounded (probably because he was coming to terms, that his kid might be stupid”).”
And here’s what people said about this story on Reddit.
This person shared their own story.
Another individual also had a story to tell.
This reader talked about what happened with their dad…
This Reddit user talked about how they handled a teacher.
Take that, Dad!
Showed him!
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