April 5, 2024 at 8:22 am

His Dog Got Pregnant By His Neighbor’s Dog And It Felt Intentional. Now The Neighbor Is Demanding A Puppy And He Refused.

by Chris Allen

Do Not Take Any Puppies AITA His Dog Got Pregnant By His Neighbors Dog And It Felt Intentional. Now The Neighbor Is Demanding A Puppy And He Refused.

Is there anything happier in this life than a LITTER OF PUPPIES?! Pure joy: incarnate. Just floppy little wobbly fluffy creatures sent from heaven above.

What on earth could take away from that joy? Oh, people of course.

Lack of spaying or neutering can create an out of control situation in a town, city, or country.

Here’s a story where that joyous occasion is muddled by owners’ lack of control.

AITA: Neighbor’s dog got my dog pregnant without my consent, now he wants one of the puppies

I am 15 and I live in the Philippines

One day, while I was away, my grandfather let my dog out in the backyard for a few minutes.

He didn’t notice that my neighbor’s dog was also there. Somehow, he managed to get close to my dog and mate with her without anyone noticing.

OP explains how this whole situation felt…intentional from the neighbor.

This wouldn’t usually happen as my dog would usually bark away other dogs.

Coincidentally, according to my father, he saw my neighbor’s outside just deliberately waiting for his dog to get a lock on my dog and did not stop his dog.

This is the best sentence I’ve read on Reddit all week.

A few weeks ago, she gave birth to five beautiful puppies.

They are all healthy and adorable. They look like a mix of both parents.

This sentence…is not.

However, as soon as my neighbor found out about the puppies, he came over and demanded that I give him one of them.

He said that since his dog was the father, he had the right to claim one of them as his own.

OP then goes through a list of the why’s.

And they’re pretty compelling.

I refused to give him any of the puppies because:

A. He never asked me for permission or consent before letting his dog mate with mine.

B. He never took any responsibility or care for his dog or mine during or after the pregnancy.

C. He doesn’t have a proper environment or lifestyle for raising a puppy.

D. He feeds his dog human food which is bad for their health.

And now OP is stuck, not knowing what to do.

Hey uh, where are the adults??

I don’t know what to do now. I don’t want to give up any of the puppies because:

Loving these lists here. Let’s go again.

A. They are part of my family now and I love them all equally.

B. They are bonded with their mother and siblings and separating them would be traumatic for them.

C. They are still too young to be weaned or separated from their mother (they are only 4 weeks old).

D. He leaves his dog outside all day without shelter or attention.

Am i the AH for wanting to keep them?

Seems to me like OP is the only one who has actually thought through this whole situation, no?

Let’s see what folks had to say.

One person nailed exactly my first instinct here too.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another person invoked the name of the late great Bob Barker.

Source: Reddit/AITA

One Redditor really helped put the whole thing in context from a recent trip to OP’s home country.

Source: Reddit/AITA

While one person dropped the ESH vote on there, as spaying & neutering is the norm for their country….

Source: Reddit/AITA

No pups for you!

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.