If You Don’t Want To Pay For A Checked Bag, This Frequent Flier Says She Has A Perfect Hack
by Laura Lynott
If you have to fly a lot you really need to become an expert on cutting corners because the price soon adds up.
And no, nothing is free anymore.
Or is it?
@hutravelstheworld says she has the best back for those who want to save on those baggage fees that are increasingly hard to avoid.
She says she flies solo regularly and claims that United and American Airlines will check your carry-on for free at the gate to save on bin space.
“OK, this is my hack for never paying for a checked bag, and I always travel with so many bags and I always pay for the most basic economy seat.”
“This is only for airlines like United, American, Lufthansa, Iberia, whatever. This isn’t for like Spirit, RyanAir, EasyJet.”
If you pay a bit more but they still want you to pay for a bag, try this.
“You have to check in online and then just download your boarding pass to your phone. Go to your gate, and then just be like, ‘Can I check this bag?’ ‘Cause they’ll usually ask people if anyone wants to check the bag anyways because there’s never enough room. And then they’ll just do it for free, and that literally just happened to me.”
If you’re willing to try this daring hack out, you better make sure your bags aren’t too big or you’ll risk getting caught by security!
Watch the full clip here:
@hutravelstheworld Anyone else think its insane checked bags or carry ons arent included for international flights now???
Here’s what people think of the clip:
Ooof! This is great!
There’s some disagreement going on!
Daring folk!
This does usually work.
That said, a lot of airlines are charging for carry-ons now, too.
If you liked that story, check out this video from a former Chipotle employee who reveals how the company cheats customers out of food.
Tags: · air travel, carry on, checked bags, flying, gate check, luggage, tiktok, top, video, viral

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