June 7, 2024 at 11:15 pm

Entitled Neighbor Tries To Leave The Potluck Early With The Entire Tray Of Chicken Tikka Masala, So The Host Calls Her Out To Her Face

by Ryan McCarthy

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels

When me and my Mom want to treat ourselves, we splurge on some Indian food and sit down in front of the TV.

Nothing in this world hits quite like a good Indian takeout. Tikka masala? Shut up. Tandoori Chicken? You’re kidding. Chicken Vindaloo? Incredible.

The only con about it? I always want more when I’m finished, no matter what I get!

So when this user’s neighbor tried to leave with the entire tray of Chicken Tikka Masala at their potluck, he called her out, only for her to throw a tantrum!

Was he in the wrong to defend the Chicken Tikka? See for yourself!

AITA for calling out my neighbor, who tried to take home all of my neighbor’s chicken tikka masala at the beginning of our potluck?

Last weekend I invited my neighbors over for a potluck / pool party, nothing big just the neighbors in my cul-de-sac.

Everyone has kids around the same age so it was a good time for everyone. There is this Indian couple that lives near us call them Pooja & Jim.

Now Pooja’s cooking is incredible and she brought over some samosas and chicken tikka masala. Samosas as the appetizer and chicken tikka for lunch.

Pooja’s cooking was so incredible, apparently, that it was starting to cause drama at OP’s party!

Now we have this other neighbor call her Lindsey. Lindsey loves Pooja’s cooking.

When it came to the samosas her and her husband really went to town on them. It was a bit rude in my opinion filling up your plate with them, not everyone got to have some.

I didn’t say anything.

But when Lindsay tried to take literally ALL of the Tikka Masala, OP wasn’t having it.

But this is what got annoying when I opened up the food for lunch Lindsey first takes a big plate of food.

And then 5 minutes later, she says she and her family have to go home, and that she is gonna take some food back with her.

I was like sure, and then she tries to take the entire aluminum tray of chicken tikka (that people are still taking food from).

I was like okay this is a bit too much, I was like hey Lindsey, people are still eating food right now. I’ll have my son bring you guys over after people are done.

Instead of apologizing when she was caught, Lindsay doubled down on her rudeness!

She then gets mad saying that she brought a big tray of muffins (she didn’t even bake these they are from Costco). And that she is just taking her fair share.

It got really weird, it was like she just got super territorial of the food. And says that I am targeting her.

My wife steps in and is like no we just want to make sure there is food for everyone.

She then starts angry crying, puts the food back and says we humiliated her and that we only did this because she is a fat woman.

Pooja, she sounds literally incredible, tried to step in and save the day, but the damage had been done.

Pooja and Jim step in and they are like no no its okay you can take the food, we can make some more its no worries.

And if we are low on food we will just order pizza. Lindsey leaves and her children leave shortly after.

I didn’t want to humiliate Lindsey, I just wanted to ensure that there was enough food for everyone. And its just rude leaving a party early and then taking a lot of the food with you.

Pooja tells me that I shouldn’t have said anything that she is actually flattered that Lindsey likes my food that much.

Pooja is too nice to set someone straight! But honestly I understand where Lindsay’s head is at. Stealing all the food is an intrusive thought I’ve had, but I’ve never acted on it.

Reddit was shocked that she had the audacity to defend her inexcusable behavior!

Tikka Comment 1 Entitled Neighbor Tries To Leave The Potluck Early With The Entire Tray Of Chicken Tikka Masala, So The Host Calls Her Out To Her Face

This user thought that while Pooja had good intentions, they would be mad if they were the one’s stuck with the pizza at the end of the party!

Tikka Comment 2 Entitled Neighbor Tries To Leave The Potluck Early With The Entire Tray Of Chicken Tikka Masala, So The Host Calls Her Out To Her Face

And this user said Lindsay needed a refresher on potluck etiquette, and that the the fair share was getting to eat the food everyone brought!

Tikka Comment 3 Entitled Neighbor Tries To Leave The Potluck Early With The Entire Tray Of Chicken Tikka Masala, So The Host Calls Her Out To Her Face

Finally, this user said the only thing that was awkward was Lindsay’s entitlement!

Tikka Comment 4 Entitled Neighbor Tries To Leave The Potluck Early With The Entire Tray Of Chicken Tikka Masala, So The Host Calls Her Out To Her Face

This story made me crave Indian food.

At least I know what I’m having for dinner tonight!

If you liked that post, check out this post about a rude customer who got exactly what they wanted in their pizza.