June 10, 2024 at 3:48 pm

Stranger Claiming To Be Family Wants Him To Take A DNA Test. He Won’t Do It Unless The Man Agrees To Certain Conditions.

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit/Unsplash/@mufidpwt

I’m gonna say right off the bat that this story sounds sketchy as hell.

But that’s just my opinion!

Your task today is to determine if you think the guy who wrote this story is doing anything wrong.

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AITA For Refusing To Take A DNA Test To Keep Inheritance?

“I (25m) am having a clash of morals and obligations and would like an outside perspective.

When I was 13 my parents passed away and I was raised by my paternal grandparents. It was the easiest choice since they lived in the same area when my parents were alive and visited them frequently.

I am my grandparents’ only grandchild as my aunt (43f) is child free so when they passed on they left me their house. The current total value of the house is around $500,000 and that’s lowballing the estimate and it’s fully paid off so I basically have a really good head start in life although I could never imagine selling it.

What’s this?

Recently, I was approached by a man (38m), “John,” claiming to be my grandfather’s son and would like a DNA test to verify it. I was shocked and didn’t believe him and told him to **** off because that would mean that my grandfather cheated on my grandmother.

He also contacted my aunt and she recognized him as the neighbor’s kid who moved away years ago. Apparently my grandparents were friends with his parents but then one day there was a huge fight and the couple moved away.

This doesn’t sound good.

John stated that his mom had an affair with my grandfather and when the husband found out he divorced his mom and they were forced to sell the house. John said that his mom’s husband wanted nothing to do with him since he wasn’t sure if he was the father and abandoned him.

Years later John tracked him down and after a DNA test was confirmed that he wasn’t the father, John’s mom confessed that the only other possible candidate was my grandfather. John’s mom insisted her ex was the father for years.

My aunt lives in another country so John has been asking me to do a DNA test so that he can finally know for sure who his father is. I was willing to do it until my girlfriend (26f) brought up the issue of ownership of the house.


I did a quick check and if the DNA test proves that John is indeed my grandfather’s son he might be able to sue for a share of the estate. If it came down to it I would be forced to sell my home because there’s no way I could buy out even 1/3 of the share if John wanted it.

I contacted John and said that I would be more than willing to do a DNA test but only under the condition that he sign away any rights or claims to the house if he’s proven to be my grandfather’s son via paperwork that my lawyers will draw up.

These people sound like nutjobs.

I didn’t hear from John for days but then got an angry call from a woman claiming to be his wife who called me greedy and selfish. That I couldn’t possibly know that pain of not knowing who my father is and that my grandfather owes John.

I hung up on her and contacted a lawyer so far unless John can present enough evidence to create doubt he doesn’t have much of a case, especially since the possible father is already deceased.

While I’m content with never giving John what he wants until he waives his rights, and my aunt won’t either, his wife has begun stalking me on social media and putting me on blast.


Let’s see what Reddit users said about this.

This person said he’s NTA.

Source: Reddit

Another individual shared some advice.

Source: Reddit

This Reddit user shared their thoughts.

Source: Reddit

And another reader thinks he needs to cut these folks out of his life.

Source: Reddit

This sounds pretty fishy to me…

If you liked that story, read this one about grandparents who set up a college fund for their grandkid because his parents won’t, but then his parents want to use the money to cover sibling’s medical expenses.