Employee Wasn’t Getting Paid For Putting In Extra Work, So When Their Boss Dared Them To Quit They Agreed Wholeheartedly
by Matthew Gilligan
Isn’t it funny how that works…
Some bosses push their employees to the brink, but when it’s time for the workers to make more money, they have second thoughts.
Check out how this person handled their situation.
Crazy boss tries to make me work more than anyone, but doesn’t want to pay me accordingly.
“Minimum wage in Brazil was R$954,00/month (~$180,00/month nowadays).
Back in May 2017 I started working in a company as a 2D designer Intern.
2 months later I started working hourly, but with some benefits. I started making R$ 1500,00/month (~$280,00/month).
1 year has passed and I was put in commercial proposal for sales, I was one in a team of three (me included).
Just as I learned to make quotes, one of my colleagues quit his job to work for the government, so it was just me and my friend (let’s call him Ed).
The boss wasn’t a lot of fun to be around.
Our boss was always a pain in the ***, but we usually ignored her or complied. She was a real nitpicker.
After some time, my manager started to make crazy complaints to me and my colleague and asked things like “Sales are decreasing, so why have you put our prices down? Put the prices up again and charge for X Y Z…”.
I complied, but she called us for talks every week and always contradicted herself, when
She told us to raise the prices, we did and she complained. Lowered our prices, she complained.
In February of 2019 my co-worker and friend Ed was fired for no apparent reason, but he wanted to quit for sometime, so it was the best for him actually.
Okay, things were great, right? WRONG!
Now they were in trouble…
I was left in the department ALONE.
Besides having to do the work of 2, I had to teach someone to help me, so actually I was making my job, my friend Ed’s and my boss’.
The best part was finding out that the girl I was teaching was making DOUBLE my money for the same work hours (~$560,00/month).
The new girl had just started learning and COULD NOT be sending our clients our quotes for the jobs, but she complained about my teaching and everything she could to my manager.
At the same time, my manager starts to tell me to stop holding the new girl’s work back and to let her work freely.
I was mad, but here is where the fun starts.
Cue Malicious Compliance!
I now allowed the new girl to talk freely with our clients and do her work as I did mine.
She insisted in asking for my advices on all matters, e-mails, doubts, projects and many more.
Most of the time I helped, but it started to be so frequent that I started not helping anymore.
Like, wasn’t she being held back by me?
FYI: My contract was about to end by May/2019, so there only was a couple months before it ended.
Before my contract ended, I sat down with my boss so we could discuss my new payment and benefits (i was going to be salaried when my contract ended).
Here’s the deal…
I told them I wanted my salary to be at least what Ed did (R$ 2.500,00 or $445,00/month).
She neither agreed or denied. Just said “Ok, we can settle this when your contract ends”.
When my contracted ended I sat down again with manager and the financial/HR department.
They wanted me to get paid R$2000,00/month (~$370,00) before taxes. I declined it!
This was nonsense!
This was followed by this conversation:
Boss: Why are you refusing the payment? It’s more than enough for someone your age (19 by the time).
HR: Why are you declining our offer?
Me: Because I am the only person in the department that knows how to work in every other department, plus both “boss” and “new girl” don’t know how to do my work.
Me: I don’t think so. And if I’m going to get paid because of my age, not my knowledge, I’m not going to work here anymore.
HR: You have a point, but why not just comply with our offer?
Me: “New girl” makes double my payment, She is 3 years older than me and knows not even half of what I TRIED to teach her.
Both HR and Boss: *Surprised Pikachu face* (º oº) (ºo º)
Boss: If you don’t accept what we are willing to pay you, you don’t have to keep coming.
Me: Ok. Then i will bring my uniform and my papers to you tomorrow.
Me: I can. I don’t have to work here if I don’t have a contract and if I’m not going to get paid properly.
HR: You can bring your papers tomorrow morning and we can discuss this later. Thanks.
Boss: … okay then…
The next day I brought my papers, uniform and told my now ex co-workers that I was leaving and got my messages and e-mails to be forwarded automatically to the new girl’s e-mail and phone number.
I had approximately 150 negotiations ongoing and was responsible for 6 out of 8 affiliated factories that constantly sent me e-mails.
I went to HR, gave Them my papers, said goodbye to all the factory (around 150 employees) and finally went to my ex-boss and said my goodbyes.
Boss: You know you’re letting us down, don’t you?
Me: I do, that’s why I’m not coming back.
Boss: Just **** off.
Me: Gladly!
The defeated look on her face, made me smile for WEEKS!
That worked out for the best.
Nowadays I’m working as a civil engineer Intern at a Multi-national company that pays me more, has health care, health insurance, price-to-earnings ratio and oh boy, many more.
Every once in awhile a send an e-mail from my new company to my ex-boss asking for quotes, but I never buy there, I do that just to give them some trouble. Maybe i’m a bit of a jerk for doing this, but I don’t care.
Last month My ex-boss called me asking for some advice and joked about me coming back to the company and I gently refused. We laughed, but She was REAALLY anxious about it.
I know that the company is doing okay, but many people were fired due to bad client services, bad prices, mistakes in quotes and flaws in executions.
I’m happy and i’m expected to finish my colege next year. Maybe I’ll get hired by the place i’m working now, but who knows?”
Check out what people had to say on Reddit.
This person offered some advice.
Another reader shared their thoughts.
This Reddit user finally saw the light!
Another reader was impressed.
And this Reddit user made a good point…
That’ll show ’em!
Nicely done!
If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.

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