Camping Neighbor Messes With His Setup, So He Taught Him A Lesson With A Smelly Surprise
by Diana Whelan
Tensions at a campground turned sour when one neighbor’s territorial disputes led to sabotage and frustration for another camper.
Here’s the story of how a simple setup turned into a battle of wits and smells.
It will probably inspire you to better manners at the campground.
Check it out!
Neighbor cut my sunshade straps.
Few weeks ago I pulled into a campground.
Next door neighbor had used up his entire spot and had a shed on my lot by a few inches. Behind the shed on the other side he kept his trash cans.
I set up my camper, put out my awning and dropped my screened in porch.
This meant he could no longer walk though my campsite to throw out his garbage, he now had to go the other way around his camper.
It also meant his dogs couldn’t come over and dump outside my front steps.
Problem solved.
I’m guessing he got mad about all of this and the fact I called the camp host to make him clean up all the dog poop. He has two Irish setters.
Anyway I come home from work on Sunday to find my bungee cords cut.
It must have took whoever about 6 tries to cut through it judging by the looks of it, I’m thinking it’s their kid. I was a little pissed but the cords were old and stretched out so I bought some new ones.
He handled that well.
On Wednesday I come home from work and all of my straps are undone, stakes pulled out of the ground. At this point I know its not their little kid.
I put my new locking straps on set up my new camera to look out the window and went on my way.
Next Sunday I come home from work, my straps are cut and part of one is tossed on the roof.
Check the camera and I’ll be damned if this a****le cuts my straps with a set of shears from his shed.
Oh man. Let the games begin.
I stew for a few days thinking about how I’m going to screw this guy over.
Light bulb goes off and I shoot up to Lowes and purchase two fly traps. You fill these bags with water and they trap flies.
100s of them and they smell like a steaming dead body smothered with fresh diarrhea.
Um. Gross.
I waited almost a week until the were full.
Next Sunday morning at 5:30 as i’m about to leave for work, I have my camper hooked up and ready to leave, I dump the first one down his fresh air intake on his brand new ram 3500 dually.
By chance I checked his door and it was open so the second bag I slapped in the driver seat and then I tossed my cut up cords in the bed of his truck.
It smelled so bad I almost puked myself.
Despite attempts to resolve the situation, escalating tensions led to creative retaliation that left both parties with a lesson in campground etiquette and neighborly relations.
As usual, Reddit chimed in with their thoughts.
This person is having fly trap PTSD.
This person can also vouch for the heinous smell.
Confirmed. It reeks.
Turns out, revenge can really stink up the place.
I cannot image doing this.
If you liked that post, check out this post about a rude customer who got exactly what they wanted in their pizza.

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