July 15, 2024 at 8:29 am

Neighbors Refuse To Turn Down Their Speaker Every Weeknight So The Building Can Get Some Sleep, So This Man Uses Military Technology To Sabotage Their Rock Session

by Ryan McCarthy

Source: Reddit/Prorevenge/Pexels/Pixabay

You can control a lot of things in this life, but what your neighbors decide to do in the middle of the night is definitely not one of those things.

Whether it be impromptu dance sessions, irritatingly loud intimacy, or straight up parties there is nothing quite as aggravating as being kept from your 8 hours by annoying neighbors.

So when this user’s neighbors refused to stop keeping the whole building up every week day, he turned to his military job for a tech-savvy solution to their ruckus!

Check it out!

To sleep, perchance to dream

Was reminded about this last night while going through some old photos with the wife. For the first few years after we graduated the wife and I lived in an apartment.

Nice place but of course the walls were paper thin. Life was good until we got new neighbors, a pair of guys who would play their stereo super loud until 2 or 3 am during the week.

It kept us (and other neighbors) awake and miserable.

They mainly did it on weeknights because they would work/be gone from the apartment almost every Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

This lack of sleep understandably made OP not so happy of a camper…

Life became really sucky. Their speakers were up against the common wall to our bedroom which made it completely impossible to sleep.

We (and other neighbors) tried talking with them, going to the complex’s management, even calling the cops.

Never got more than a few days respite then they were right back at it. They were also jerks in other ways, parking in other people’s reserved spots, etc.

But OP work at a defense company supplied him with a unique solution to this infuriating noise…

It got to the point where it was affecting my job performance. I worked at a big defense systems company as an engineer and had several electrical engineer friends.

One of them made me what he called an “interference box”.

It was basically an amplifier that I could put near the common wall that would cause massive distortion and noise to come out of any speakers within a 10 to 20 foot radius.

It made it entirely impossible to use their system.

And the neighbors were only left more and more puzzled as to what was happening to their rocking tunes!

I would turn it on around 10PM and leave it on all night – it made a bit of a buzzing noise itself but not too bad. I’d just cover it with a couple of pillows and I could sleep.

If I turned it up all the way it would also mess with their (and my) TV. These guys tried all kinds of things to fix their stereo.

They bought new (and bigger) speakers, line filters, etc. Nothing worked. I’d hear them complaining about the situation and grinding each other’s gears over who had broken the system.

After trying everything they could to fix their speakers, the defeated rockers packed their things and moved out.

They eventually got the apartment complex’s maintenance people involved but that didn’t help either. Life was good again.

One day they packed up and moved out, skipping out on their lease. They were not missed. New neighbors were quieter than us.

Stayed in the apartment until we bought our first house six months later.

Working with high-tech military interference technology definitely has its perks, and honestly I would be using government secrets to get some sleep too if I was in OP’s position.

Reddit loved seeing this technological revenge, and this user told a story of his brother had accidentally caused his own interference in their building.

Source: Reddit/Prorevenge

This user suggested another option to stop the noise: a big old magnet!

Source: Reddit/Prorevenge

This user’s parents turned to their buildings wiring to keep their rowdy neighbors in line.

Source: Reddit/Prorevenge

Finally, while this user said he respected the hustle, his revenge would have been a lot less brainy and a lot more petty!

Source: Reddit/Prorevenge

Seriously, how loud do you need to listen to music at 3am?

Thought that was satisfying? Check out what this employee did when their manager refused to pay for their time while they were traveling for business.