July 13, 2024 at 12:48 am

Homeowners Want To Plant Big Trees In Their Yard For Privacy, But The Neighbors Object Because It’ll Block Their Sunlight

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit/Unsplash/@urinfinity

Privacy is important!

I just had to have some big trees cut down in my front yard because they were dying, and all I can say is that I’m getting to know my neighbors more lately…and I’m not happy about it.

So I can sympathize this person! But are they doing anything wrong? Read on and see what you think.

AITA for putting up 15+ foot trees to make my new backyard private?

“I just purchased a corner house in a nice neighborhood. Most of these houses don’t have any kind of fencing and it looks like one huge park-like setting in the backyards.

The few that have fences are on the far side away from me. My house backs up to the side of a neighbor’s house, and this house has a sun room on their second floor which overlooks my backyard.

My “backyard” is tiny compared to the regular backyards because it is just a side piece of land between the 2 houses since I have a square lot with my house in the center vs the other houses with rectangular lots and their houses towards the front of their lot.

They knew they needed to make some changes.

When I saw the house and their sunroom when I looked into purchasing, I knew I would need to put up trees or something to gain privacy along with the 6 ft privacy fence that I would get to contain my dogs and small child.

Fast forward to moving in, I had the fence installed the day after I moved in. I had plans to get 15 ft arborvitae installed down the length of the privacy fence, but the weather changed quickly between the time I bid on the house and the time I actually closed on it, so I would have to wait until spring.

Well, the day after I had the fence put in, the sunroom neighbor yelled out saying “Hi” and welcoming me to the neighborhood, and also complimented me on the fence.

I was playing with my anxious dogs and I didn’t want them barking and disturbing everyone if I stopped playing with them ( All sounds bounce off of the houses since they’re isn’t much to stop the sound).


Well, the very next day the same neighbor posted pictures of my house/ yard/ fence complaining about the fence and that they wished we had an HOA so people didn’t do stuff like this.

There are plenty of other fences just like mine that are in the neighborhood that can be seen from their sunroom, but the only difference is that they can see directly into my yard and not the others, because they are so far away.

Well, this spring I will be getting the 15 ft arborvitae installed the length of my fence that is directly against their house, which will most likely block a lot of the sun at their house.

Privacy is important!

But, it will also completely block their view of my yard in which they can see EVERYTHING.

I’ve even seen other posts from this particular person stating that they are constantly watching out their window for wildlife and into others’ yards. They have windows on three sides so this will only block one side.

AITA for blocking their view and sunlight to not have nosy neighbors spying on me in my own yard?”

Check out how folks reacted on Reddit.

This person said they’re NTA.

Source: Reddit

Another reader chimed in.

Source: Reddit

This Reddit user didn’t hold back.

Source: Reddit

Another individual had a lot to say.

Source: Reddit

And one Reddit user sounded off.

Source: Reddit

I’d probably do the same thing to keep nosey neighbors away…

If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.