July 26, 2024 at 12:20 am

Woman’s In-Laws Try To Crash Their Family Vacation, But When Family Changes Plans At The Last Minute, Her In-Laws’ Are Left Financially Strained

by Benjamin Cottrell

Source: Pexels/Pixabay, Reddit/AITA

When many people think about a relaxing getaway to an exotic destination, many don’t think about their in-laws lounging next to them.

So when a woman’s in-laws tried to surprise them by booking the same hotel the couple booked for their family vacation, it turned into a financial and emotional mess for everyone.

Find out how by reading on!

WIBTA for not reimbursing my in-laws for their vacation after we changed our plans?

So, my in-laws have wanted to go on vacation with my husband, me and our kids ever since our first child (10) was born. I was always against going together, while my husband felt indifferent towards it but supported me in my wishes.

His parents are nice people, but they do like to control everyone around them and a vacation with them just would not feel like a vacation at all.

For this summer, my husband and I had booked a rather expensive family hotel, and got insurance so we could cancel, should something better come along.

His parents asked for our travel details, which we did not find strange, because my husband always shares these things with them anyway (they pretty much have to know every little detail of all our lives).

The couple decides to go a different direction with their vacation.

Last week, my husband and I decided to change our plans. It’s still three weeks until our vacation. We felt a bit bad about the hotel we had booked initially but it is very popular and as far as I know, they already had a waiting list anyway. So far, so good.

Yesterday, my in-laws were at our place and when we told them about our new plans, they blew up.

The in-laws’ ruse was revealed.

Apparently, they had wanted to surprise us and have booked the same week at the same hotel.

They don’t like the hotel or the destination, but they finally wanted an opportunity to go on a family vacation with us.

Now her in-laws are stuck in a dilemma.

They also haven’t gotten any insurance, so if they cancel now, they will still be charged about half the price.

They are not poor, but they are both retired and losing this kind of money will hurt. They don’t plan on going without us.

This puts her in a dilemma of her own.

Of course, my husband’s side of the family is now mad at us and blame us for everything. Choosing such an expensive hotel, changing our plans and also for not agreeing on going on vacation with my in-laws in the first place.

They say, we basically “forced” them to be sneaky about it.

She tries to reflect on how everything went so wrong.

Here’s why I think I may be the AH.

My husband wants to reimburse them. Admittedly, we could afford it, but I still don’t want to. I say they need to learn their lesson, or we will be dealing with this scenario every year from now on.

But she worries about her husband.

However, my husband’s siblings say I am the AH, because in the end, my husband will be suffering.

Knowing my in-laws, they will hold this against us for years to come and it will be an uncomfortable topic on every family event.

I’ve learned to ignore them, but my husband has been conditioned to cater to their needs and feel guilty if he doesn’t.


It’s starting to seem like a lose-lose situation for this couple.

What did Reddit have to say?

Maybe a big cancellation bill will be a needed wake-up call.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Her in-laws’ idea was wrong in so many ways.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Families require compromise, but this redditor offers a practical suggestion.

Source: Reddit/AITA

The couple should be more guarded with their plans in the future.

Source: Reddit/AITA

While her in-laws’ might have gotten burned this time, it was high time to create some boundaries in this family dynamic.

After all that stress, this couple needs a vacation from vacation planning.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.