A Nurse’s Son Burned Himself On A Grill, But When Someone In Her Boyfriend’s Family Put Butter On The Burn To Help Heal It, She Told Them To Back Off
by Matthew Gilligan
I’m all for trying out home remedies for various ailments, but if I had to choose between a nurse and someone who is NOT a nurse for medical advice, I’ll go with Option #1.
And that brings us to today’s story from Reddit!
Did this nurse do anything wrong?
Let’s see what’s going on here…
AITA for being culturally insensitive about butter?
“I was at my boyfriend’s family home. I’m a nurse.
My son burnt himself on the grill by smacking his forehead into while playing.
He had a little burn. I went to the bathroom to clean it up and put some cold water on it.
My boyfriend’s great grandmother is there.
There might be some cultural differences between they are Latina but she insists on putting butter on my kids burn.
Hold it!
I said no and his mom came to talk to be saying I should just do this because it’s disrespectful to his great grandmother not to take her advice she’s almost 100.
I told his mother it’s disrespectful of them not to listen to me about treating my own child and I’m a nurse so so I’m not putting butter on a small burn.
Jeez, give it a rest.
The woman in his family tried to bully me again about the butter and I’m finally got mad and said butter is for cooking why would I want it on the burn.
I saw his mom try to put it on my kid and I said no butter.
I took my kid and left.
My boyfriend said I am not to treat his family like that and I should have just let them do it. In his culture elders are important.
I said in my culture my boundaries and health are more important than your grandma’s ego.
We haven’t talk since and my friend said I was being insensitive to my boyfriend and his family.
FYI, my boyfriend is not the father of my son. I am divorced.”
Here’s how Reddit users reacted.
This reader said she’s NTA.
Another person agreed.
This reader chimed in.
Another Reddit user shared their thoughts.
I think a nurse would know what to do in this situation.
If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.

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