When The Neighbor’s Kids Won’t Stop Leaving Their Stuff In His Yard, He Introduces Their Items To The Trash Can
by Heather Hall
Dealing with inconsiderate neighbors can really test your patience, especially when their children treat your yard like their own personal playground.
So, what happens when these same kids leave items strewn all across your yard, and you’ve reached your boiling point?
In today’s story, a homeowner finds himself in this exact predicament, and the kids aren’t going to like what he chose.
Let’s take a look.
Husbands revenge on neighbors
We are both sick of the neighborhood kids leaving their stuff on our lawn. This morning, they took their parents’ tools and were working on one of their bikes on our front lawn.
Our front lawns don’t even connect with each other; they just always choose to go to our lawn instead of their own.
They even invited some friends over. Like literally… 100% on our property.
Sometimes, people will surprise you!
Of course they abandoned the project and left it all day. So, under the cover of darkness my husband went out, gathered all the tools and the bike pieces and chucked them in the trash.
He is such a kind, understanding, and gentle man.
I am shocked to see him do something like this, but I am honestly also really proud of him for taking a stand against our lawn being trashed every day.
Curious to see if anybody will notice anything missing tomorrow…
They are going to be confused in the morning.
Here’s what folks over at Reddit had to say.
This person is much nicer about stuff in their yard.
Here’s someone who would yell at the kids.
This is a funny prank that may work.
It’s so much work when the trash can is right there.
Hope they learned a lesson.
The parents need to teach their kids how to respect other people’s private property.
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · Neighbor Kids, petty revenge, picture, reddit, rude kids, top, toys, trash can, yard

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