A Co-Worker Purposely Didn’t Get Her A Donut, So She Decided To Sabotage Their Special Jelly Donut In A Disgusting Way
by Matthew Gilligan
I’m not the kind of person who would ever mess with someone else’s food, but I will say that I get enjoyment out of hearing about OTHER people doing it.
And this is a perfect example of what I’m talking about!
Are y’all ready for this?
Let’s gooooooooooo!
How do you like that doughnut now?
“This happened about 20 years ago when I was a teacher in a small high school.
There was one teacher who was toxic, and would say inappropriate things to students about the teachers he didn’t like.
He once told some students of mine that I didn’t get invited to parties because I was a “stiff.”
His dislike for me stemmed from the fact that I was vying for promotion to vice-principal and he felt threatened by it.
He did a bunch of other things that gave me a slam-dunk workplace harassment case against him but I never pursued it.
What a jerk!
One day, he brought in doughnuts and left them in the staff room. However, being the guy he was, he put little toothpick flags in them with everyone’s names on them but mine.
He also left a note on the table saying “Help Yourself — Not you” about me.
The one with his name on it was one of those powdered, jelly-filled things.
This was gonna be good!
In full view of some of the other teachers who were gob-smacked by his behaviour, I took a straw, sucked all the jelly out of it, then refilled it with mustard.
Then I put it back into the box, unwrapped my sandwich, and waited.
He came into the lunch room with a **** eating grin on his face as he looked at me and nodded.
I munched my carrot sticks. One of the women thanked him for the doughnuts.
He just smirked, picked his up, and took a big bite of it right in front of me. The look of horror, confusion and disgust on his face was priceless.”
Let’s see what Reddit users had to say.
This reader had a story to tell.
Another Reddit user chimed in.
This individual shared their thoughts.
This person spoke the truth.
And this reader chimed in.
Talk about a major gross-out!
I’d say he deserved it, though.
If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.

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