Airbnb Guests Blocked Their Driveway And Refused To Move, So They Got The Car Towed And Now The Owner Is Furious
by Heather Hall
Dealing with problem neighbors is tough, especially when those neighbors are short-term renters who don’t respect the rules.
So, what would you do if an Airbnb guest blocked your driveway and refused to move their car?
In today’s story, a homeowner finds themselves in this exact dilemma and decides to take action.
Here’s what happened.
AITA for getting my neighbor’s Airbnb guests’ car towed?
So, I’ve had a ton of issues with Airbnbs in my neighborhood in the past.
I won’t get into all of it, but just know that it’s been a nightmare, including my house being hit by 20 bullets during a gunfight at a neighbor’s Airbnb party earlier this year.
Fast-forward to last night, and the guests at the Airbnb next door were blocking our shared driveway.
I went out and politely asked them to move their car.
They responded rudely, saying, “I haven’t got the keys. NO,” and then drove off in another car.
This was an unexpected turn of events.
I’ve tried reaching out to the Airbnb owner before, but she hasn’t responded to me since May.
Given her track record of ignoring my messages, I assumed she wouldn’t do anything this time either.
So, I shot her a quick text and called the non-emergency police line, explained the situation, and they said they would make the guests move it.
Well, it turns out they towed the car instead.
Now, the Airbnb owner is furious, saying I didn’t give her guests a chance to move it.
Eek. That escalated way more than they anticipated.
Let’s see what the readers over at Reddit had to say about this dilemma.
This person thinks the landlord will be more responsive.
According to this person, the landlady needs to inform her renters better.
Here’s someone who thinks tow trucks are a great way to end the entitlement.
Great point.
It’s not like they didn’t try.
Maybe the landlord will respond to messages in a timely manner next time.
If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · airbnb, aita, neighborhood drama, picture, reddit, rude neighbor, shared driveway, top

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