September 11, 2024 at 7:20 pm

Annoyed Tenant Asks Another To Turn Down Their Music, But She Doesn’t Listen. So They Break Out The Absolute Heaviest Metal Music And Crank It To 11.

by Trisha Leigh

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

There are no shortage of apartment tenants out there who are annoyed with one neighbor or another for being too dang loud.

Most of the time, we like to think a calm and/or pleading conversation and a mutual respect can solve most of these issues.

There are instances, though, where only making them see the errors of their ways will wake someone up.

Find out how this guy leveraged heavy metal to get a point across (the hall).

Loud neighbor doesn’t care she’s loud

I live in an apartment complex. The division I reside in is considered a family residency, three rooms, two baths. I’m aware noise will always be an issue with kids being around.

What I don’t tolerate is loud music being blared for several hours. That goes against the rules and regulations of the complex anyway.

There’s always that one neighbor who just doesn’t play by the rules.

My neighbor doesn’t care. She plays Tejano for up to two hours every day, shaking the walls of my apartment (which is not even connected, but across the way).

I can’t even throw on headphones to avoid it since I can actually feel the vibration of polka-esque repetitious beats shaking anything I touch.

If it was occasional and brief, I wouldn’t care. But this is nearly scheduled and prolonged. I’ve complained to management twice, and they won’t do anything about it.

I’ve been dealing with this for nearly two years and I’m fed up. I let management know I will take the matter into my own hands since they won’t take the initiative.

Talking did nothing.

I’ve respectfully asked her to turn it down three times.

The first two times, she said “okay.” Yet she never lowered the volume.

The third time I confronted her, she said she didn’t care because she hears me yelling at my wife all the time. I don’t have a wife.

I live with a roommate, and we’re both very quiet and respectful tenants. In fact, you probably wouldn’t know we even lived by you because we don’t make an imprint.

I work 60-hours a week, he’s a full-time student with a job. I come home, and I sleep.

On weekends, I relax, or at least I try to. Neither of us have company.

So he decided to give her a taste of her own medicine.

So… I decided to set up a very powerful sound system in the office room of my apartment. It is adjacent to her room across the way.

When my roommate isn’t home, I crack the window and play the most horrendous satanic garbage I can think of, max volume, max trebble, max bass.

Tons of screaming and wailing and demonic chanting with heavy blast beats and thrashing guitar chords. Stuff that will give anyone nightmares if you aren’t privy to it.

It ruins EVERYONE’S day.

You can hear it from the street. I know because people have asked me to turn it down. I tell them I will, under one condition: they file complaints against my neighbor for her music.

I am the enemy I hate, but worse. I’m petty.

Suddenly, I’m an evil threat, a devil worshiper, known to all who live near me.

Suddenly she cares. Worth it.

As usual, inconveniencing the other person worked like a charm.

Reddit should be an expert at commenting on these by now!

This person is extra evil.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

People have some great suggestions.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

I think some neighbors might just be clueless.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Parents everywhere are weeping at the thought.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Insanity is sure to ensue.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

People should be considerate without being forced.

Why is that such a hard concept to embrace?

If you liked that story, read this one about grandparents who set up a college fund for their grandkid because his parents won’t, but then his parents want to use the money to cover sibling’s medical expenses.