Evil Client Bullied A Caregiver For Not Being Able To Afford Clothes For His Son, So The Caregiver Complained About The Client And Eventually Got Rid Of Them
by Sarrah Murtaza
Devils are on earth walking in a disguise!
This story is about a horrible client who treated this caregiver the worst way she could!
Why did she find the need to be so harsh?
Let’s check out the full story!
Insult my parenting, I’ll stop doing nice things for you
For some background when I was 18 I was a part-time carer and I had a 2 year old son.
I worked a double up run with a colleague doing teas and tucks in peoples houses, but we occasionally had a couple med prompts (basically go in and give someone there medications and maybe a cup of tea or whatever they might need)
Things were lovely at her workplace because she was a nice person!
So everyone generally got along with me and I always tried my best to go above and beyond for everyone (I’d buy them gifts on their birthdays and do extra jobs around the house if I had time).
BUT this one client, who thankfully I only had once a night, absolutely hated me no matter what I did.
I was there for her husband so I didn’t actually have to be around her but my colleague insisted on me going in and giving a five minute hello, which is whatever right?
It’s only five minutes.
Things didn’t sound very nice…
She’d do whatever she could to insult me, basically saying I was too young and I couldn’t do my job properly.
She simply wanted to do her job and leave!
I ended up deciding I’d do whatever I could to avoid her so I started going into her kitchen and making her and her husband a cup of tea and a light snack since they liked something before they went to bed.
They would always leave dishes in the sink for me and a couple odd jobs around the house, I didn’t mind but it wasn’t what I was there to do.
One day however this lady (let’s call her e for evil) handed me some fashion magazines and a couple kids magazines and said…
The lady got way bitter.
“because I know you can’t afford much I thought you might like these”
to which I replied “um, thank you”
E from then on would make comments like “your son must look so ugly in those cheap clothes you buy him” and “how long do the shoes last that you get from the supermarket”
She got personal with her statements.
(not like it makes a difference but my son is usually very well dressed unless we are just around the house).
I’d usually put up with it until one day E said to me “oh well if you can’t even wash dishes properly I can’t see how you can look after your child, you deserve him taken off you”
To which I got super angry about but managed to keep my cool, so from then on I’d go in and make tea but I wouldn’t make her one, and if I did it wouldn’t have sugar in it so she’d have to get up anyway.
I wouldn’t hoover up after her and I wouldn’t make her a snack (none of the other carers did so it wasn’t something I was supposed to do)
She didn’t want to work for these people anymore!
I phoned my office and complained so many times but she never got taken off me because not many people were available to do the call so I was forced to keep going in.
When she noticed I wasn’t doing the odd jobs for her however she did start to cheer up and try and get along with me more, she even bought me a Christmas present lol.
Sun is up again!
Thankfully I left not to long after and me and my son have never been happier 🙂
Why couldn’t the client be a little empathetic towards her?!
Let’s find out what the Reddit community thinks about this story.
This person knows how to snap back!
Feeling sorry for the devil? This person wants to justify the acts.
This user knows the clients didn’t deserve this nice caregiver.
That’s what we’ve been saying! The clients didn’t deserve her!
This person isn’t as patient as the caregiver in this story!
Things wouldn’t have been so bad if the clients were a little more considerate.
Why did she have to be so cruel?
If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · bad client, bad treatment, bully, caregiver, drama, evil people, family, petty revenge, picture, reddit, top

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