September 8, 2024 at 10:47 pm

He Bought Multiple Seats At A Movie Theater So He Could Put His Feet Up, But A Couple Sat In Them. So He Got Management Involved And Ruined Their Night.

by Jayne Elliott

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge/Pexels/Tima Miroshnichenko

If you have a movie ticket with an assigned seat, that’s obviously where you’re supposed to sit.

In today’s story, one couple refuses to switch seats even though they’re sitting in the wrong seats.

Let’s see how it plays out…

Take my seat and another families? No movie for you!

Today I decided that I wanted to go to a movie theater today.

This was a special treat to celebrate my first day off in like 2 weeks doing about 95ish hours a week, so I bought my seat, and both seats next to me, as well as the seat in front of me.

I wanted to spread out more than Jabba, without worrying about others.

When I got into my theater however, I noticed there was a guy and his wife sitting in the seat in front of my actual seat.

The couple realizes they’re in the wrong seats.

I initially decided to not say anything, until a family came up and said the wife was in one of their seats.

The wife checks there ticket, and I noticed it was for a completely different row, no where close to where they were.

But before the wife even says anything the guy quite loudly to the family to go f themselves, and they aren’t moving.

OP printed out his tickets.

I also politely ask them to move, as they are also in a seat I bought and I wanted to put my feet up to relax.

He then blew up at me, and after many expletives told me if I wanted my seat I’d need to move him myself.

Ok, wish granted.

I decided to go and one by one print out all my tickets at the very slow kiosk , then went to the customer service desk and told them someone was in my seat, and I wanted them to get out of it.

The ticket bro isn’t backing down.

I head back with a ticket bro in tow, and loudly demand the guy and his wife move.

Guy decides to check the tickets, and I present all 4 of mine, the family present thiers, and… the guy does nothing, cause he only bought a single ticket and figured no one would dare question him or ask him to move.

The ticket bro tells him to leave.

The guy starts to yell about how he needs to see it with wife, but ticket bro is having none of it.

Tells him leave alone or leave with security and get banned.

Eventually, OP got his seats back.

Ticket guy then moves the wife to perhaps the absolute worst seat ever, as her ticket was for one of the closest rows, and it’s a corner seat too.

And considering the movie was in 3d, I imagine it was really bad.

Movie was great though, and I got to go full Jabba while watching.

I’m glad the ticket bro didn’t back down and made the couple vacate the seats that weren’t theirs.

Let’s see how Reddit responded…

Here’s the perspective of someone who used to work in a movie theater…

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

One reader vented about people who don’t reserve the seat they actually want to sit in.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This reader does not approve of OP putting his feet up in a movie theater.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This reader applauds OP for treating himself.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This reader doesn’t understand why OP needed to reprint the tickets.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Just sit in the correct seat. It’s not that hard.

If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.