He Raised The Stakes On A Bet With His Girlfriend, But When He Lost And Couldn’t Pay Up She Got Upset
by Heather Hall
Bets are usually made in the spirit of fun, but sometimes people get wrapped up in the moment and raise the stakes a little too high.
So, what if you made a bet with your partner, confident you’d win, only to lose, and then realize you can’t afford to pay up?
In the following story, one man finds himself in this exact situation.
Here’s how it all went down.
AITA for not paying when I lost a bet?
My gf and I have been living together for about a year, and one of our main arguments is around my boxer mix, Max.
She thinks she’s a dog whisperer because her dog Jupiter is basically the perfect pet and that I’m a lousy dog owner.
I think it’s because she has a border collie that just trains themselves.
She hasn’t developed any of the normal routines that dog owners do, like putting their shoes out of reach or never leaving food unattended, so she gets mad when Max gets into something.
She left a grilled cheese and Max helped himself. She was mad and told me I was wrong for not training my dog.
I argued no dog is going to turn down a grilled cheese, and after arguing around, we agreed to see if Jupiter is that impressive by leaving steak in front of him, leaving and seeing if he sneaks a bit.
Here’s his first mistake.
She said $100 was on the line, and I said sure, and then I said it was too low. I said $1000, and I admit I agreed because I didn’t think it was possible for me to lose.
Well, we cooked steaks and put 2 on plates near Jupiter and left. She reminded Jupiter to leave it, and we left a phone to record in case he licked it but didn’t eat it.
We left for 5 min. Jupiter didn’t even seem tempted.
I was honestly shocked because I didn’t think it was possible.
I admit I’m kind of impressed. Max would have eaten it immediately.
But now I cannot afford to pay the $1000. My gf wants me to pay it to her in increments. $200/month until I paid it.
Now, he’s decided he can’t afford to pay up.
I’m trying to talk her into lowering the price.
I already paid her $100, but she thinks I’m wrong for agreeing and then backing out.
I already admitted she won and I only make $21/h, I’m not rich.
I think she’s getting a bit greedy and smug from winning, but now I’m wondering if I’m wrong for trying to go back to paying the entire $1000 after losing our bet.
Yikes! Not sure that’s how he should handle this issue.
Let’s see what the readers over at Reddit have to say about this.
This is a great point!
According to this comment, dogs should be trained to protect them from danger,
Harsh words, but they’re not wrong.
Here’s someone who doesn’t think the breed has anything to do with it.
A bet is a bet.
Hopefully, he learned not to raise the stakes if he can’t afford – or isn’t willing – to pay up.
If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · agreements, aita, bet, border collie, couple, dog, picture, reddit, relationships, top, trained dog, training

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