His Ex Cheated And Wanted Him To Adopt Three Of Her Children From Other Fathers, But He Refused To Do That And Parented Only His Biological Sons
by Sarrah Murtaza
Some people will make the worst possible choices in their lives and what do whatever it takes to justify them.
This girl did the same thing. She kept making bad decisions and that led her to nothing.
Find out how she got left alone and a single mother.
AITA for refusing to bring my ex’s other children along on days out with our two sons?
I (32M) have two sons “Jamie” (11M) and “Jayden” (10M). Their mother and I were high school sweethearts who had the boys before we finished college.
We had planned to get married but then I found out my ex was cheating on me and I broke up with her. Jayden was 14 months old at the time.
They tried making it work for the kids.
We split custody and I paid child support for the first 18 months post breakup, until my ex was earning similarly to me which meant child support was ceased and costs were simply split with nobody giving anyone “extra”.
My ex had another son two years after we broke up. The father was not in the picture.
Things got messier with the lady.
She told me he was the guy she cheated on me with and that she realized he was a POS, etc, and asked if I would consider adopting her son and raising him as my own alongside our boys.
I told her I wasn’t going to do that.
He didn’t want to take extra responsibilities!
We ended up arguing about this for so long that she had time to get into another relationship and move this man in, so I told her that he should be a father figure to her son since they plan on building a life together.
Within a year that guy was gone and she had a daughter he fathered.
I continued being a dad to my sons only. I didn’t interact with her other two children but I would see them from a distance during exchanges.
She came back again with her unreasonable demands.
She asked me to adopt both her additional children stating they needed a father.
I told her to go and find their fathers then.
She eased up when she met her husband. I thought maybe it was finally the end of her trying to make me responsible for her other children.
She has a child with her husband now too, so five in total in her household when our boys are included. But it has not lasted.
The last one was way worse.
My ex has admitted her husband isn’t involved in the lives of her other children and they are still missing out on having a father.
So she asked me to include her three other children, and that does include the child she has with her husband, in days out I have with my sons.
She said especially during summer and around Christmas when I take them to do fun holiday themed activities, it’s not something she can give her other children and she wants them to experience these things also.
She wanted him to be equal to all the kids!
She finds out when I do these things with my boys because she will quiz them about their time with me. And each time she gets angry.
But when the boys were with her two weeks ago she got extra mad.
She had mentioned to me that her son (the oldest of her other three kids) didn’t get much for his birthday and she had wanted to make it up to him.
That’s INSANE!
That was meant to mean me.
So when she heard our boys and I had visited an amusement park around his birthday, she blew a fuse and asked me how I can be such an AH to children.
She told me I should be doing better as a father.
She’s been asking for the most unreasonable favors all this time.
Let’s find out if folks on Reddit agree.
This person finds this girl absurd for asking such favors.
Maybe the father can let his kids stay with him.
This person has read through the ex’s tactics.
However sad, this person knows the truth.
That’s a hard pill to swallow! This person is spot on.
If only the ex had realized her mistake earlier or had stayed true to her first boyfriend.
She can only look forward now!
If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, bad ex, cheating wife, drama, father duties, fight, picture, reddit, single mom, top

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