September 16, 2024 at 6:21 pm

His Landlord Was Constantly Harassing Him, So When He Finally Got Evicted He Left A Bunch Of Junk Behind

by Michael Levanduski

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

There are times in people’s lives when finding a cheap place to live trumps something nice.

What happens when the landlord at the apartment is extremely rude – and even violates the law – by entering your area without notice?

That is what happened to this tenant, but he got a little revenge in the end.

Check it out.

So once upon a time I was living in a (not legal) basement apartment of an old Hungarian woman’s house.

I was poor, the place was cheaper than what was around, so I took it.

How bad could it be?


She. Was. Horrific.

At first she was an okay landlady, but then things started to turn.

First I noticed that things were off when I got home from work.

That is the worst.

Ever get that feeling someone was in your room? That.

So I asked her if she’d been in there and she denied it.

Then I set up a camera and caught her on camera.

Asked her again and she denied it, saying she’s never go in my apartment without telling me.

It isn’t even legal for her to enter.

Then I showed her the video and she got mad at ME.

I worked nights.

What an invasion of privacy!

One time she came in during the day time and I was there.

In bed, naked under the sheets.

I woke up when she came in and asked if I could help her, she said no and left.

After that she would call me “lazy boy” when she saw me, assuming I didn’t work since it was at night.

Things kept getting worse.

She’d sometimes shut off the water when she thought I was using too much or when I refused to share my wifi password with her other tenant.

Finally, one night I had some friends over for a birthday.

Hardly a party.

There was six of us total, it was around 11pm and trust me when I say, we were not being loud at all.

Literally just hanging around the coffee table eating cheesecake talking and laughing.

She came into my apartment and started yelling that I was having a loud party with too many people in the middle of the night!

She actually came and grabbed my shirt telling me everyone had to leave.

Oh heck no. That was it.

So I pushed her off of me and the police were called.

That Monday, she left a really poorly written eviction notice on my door.

Seriously, hand written.

Telling me to be out by Saturday by midnight.

By 11:59pm that Saturday, I had all my stuff in the U-haul.

My friends and I were just working on bagging up the trash and other stuff for the dump, when she came in and yelled at me that it was past midnight.

No problem.

See ya!

I got up, and left.

Leaving a huge pile of junk in the bedroom and storage room.

Easily 2 pickup trucks worth of crap I wasn’t taking.

She actually called my father, who was my emergency contact on my application to tell me it cost her $400 to haul it all away and that I owed her money.

He blocked the number.

Why are so many landlords so awful?

Let’s see what the people in the comments have to say.

Renters have rights!

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance

It might be the right thing to do.

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance

This tenant deserves our gratitude.

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance

She deserved more.

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance

Nothing’s better than a good roommate.

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance

There’s something about landlords that makes them crazy.

That’s the only explanation.

If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.