September 4, 2024 at 10:21 am

Rude Neighbors Wouldn’t Move Their Car, So This Couple Decided to Play Hardball And Park Directly In Front Of Their Driveway

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit/Unsplash/@carstyler

Why do some people have to act like complete jerks when it comes to dealing with their neighbors?

It’s not that hard to be polite, pleasant, and courteous, is it?

Well, apparently, it is for some folks…

Read this story from Reddit and you’ll see what I’m talking about…

Can’t move your car because you’re sleeping..?

“My neighbors have younger kids that my child used to play with.

We had a couple of run-ins with the kids with complaints of lying or playing too rough, nothing too serious, normal kid stuff.

This sounds weird…

Back in May the wife called me to accuse my child of saying saying some pretty ridiculous stuff about their child (their kid has a history of lying, he’s been called out by his own siblings for lying about our kid).

We ended up getting together with the kids to work out it, where she proceeded to (try) to berate and attack my child about this stuff he allegedly said.

I shut it down and essentially told the kids that they don’t need to be playing together if they’re going to lie about each other.

They sound pretty darn petty…

Fast forward to now. Neighbors haven’t spoken to us since the incident.

About 2 weeks ago we noticed they parked in front of our house directly underneath our basketball hoop.

I initially thought they did this out of availability because our street can get full.

4 days go by, I texted her to confirm if it was her car and to politely ask her to move it back about 10 feet.

She never responded.

2 days ago I finally knocked on their door to ask her to move it back some so we’re able to shoot on our hoop.


She said she can’t.

She rambles on about how the street is full and that if she moves the car they won’t be able to get the moving truck in and out of the driveway (they are moving on Friday, thank goodness).

I’m standing there dumbfounded at these ridiculous reasons she’s giving me (there would be plenty of space to get in and out of the driveway).

I asked one last time for her to move it because there are literally no other cars parked on the street at that time.

She’s says “no, I’m taking a nap right now and I can’t move it”.

Here we go!

Alright, I see what you’re on. Two can play that game.

Guess where the husband and I parked our cars for the remainder of the week?

On the street directly in front of their driveway.

They currently can’t get their moving truck into their driveway and have to walk all their furniture and boxes uphill to the street.

Sorry not sorry.”

Reddit users shared their thoughts.

This person chimed in.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This individual weighed in.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Another Reddit user shared some info.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This individual chimed in.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

And this Reddit user has an idea…

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Two can play at that game!

You reap what you sow in the neighborhood!

If you liked that post, check out this post about a woman who tracked down a contractor who tried to vanish without a trace.