September 20, 2024 at 7:22 pm

Rude People At A Campsite Kept Them Up Late, So They Decided To Have A Loud Early Morning The Next Day

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit/Unsplash/@alexmoliski

What ever happened to good, old-fashioned courtesy?

It seems to have gone the way of the dodo lately…and this story reaffirms that sad fact.

But it does have a happy ending!

Check out what this Reddit user had to say about a camping trip gone sideways.

Bad camping neighbors.

“I was driving cross country home from college two weeks ago. My brother flew out to help me.

Our plan was to stay at friends/family’s houses and camp.

Everything went very smoothly and we were having a fantastic time until we arrived after dark at our last camping spot before getting home.

There where 45 campsites with 2 being used.

One was a large loud family and the other was a group of loud middle aged fisherman types.

It had been a long day…

So being very tired from driving all day we choose one near the back of the campground away from the loudness.

We set up the tent ate a quick dinner and went to bed about 11.

At 1:30 in the morning another large bilingual family of at least 8 people including at least on kid around 8 shows up and picks the site RIGHT NEXT TO US even though the whole place was basically empty.


They proceed to make the hugest ruckus setting up a giant tent not ten feet from us. Arguing, shining light all over.

They had the highlights on pointing right at our tent. Starting a fire. Kid yelling and running around. It was absolutely ridiculous.

Keep in mind the campsite is supposed to have quiet hours too (10-6).

After this goes on for about an hour I am fed up so I politely tell them (in their native language which I happen to speak with a bad accent but understand fluently) that we are trying to sleep.

They say “oh just give us a minute” 3 am rolls around and they have finally finished with the tent and are settling down and begin to make fun of my brother and I (in Spanish) which we clearly understand mind you… about how we were dumb for complaining to them.

Now that’s just way over the top, they are clearly all a super inconsiderate and obnoxious human beings that deserve a rude awakening and my little bro and I start to plot our revenge.

We can act like jerks, too!

We set an alarm for 5:30 am as we were planning on an early start the next day anyways.

The next morning we don’t take any care in being quiet campers. We talk in outside voices. Drop the bike chain a couple times. Slam car doors. Leave the alarm going.

Put a rock in our trash and trowel it in the empty dumpster near their campsite. Turned headlights on facing there tent and turn the car radio up went we drove away.

We only woke up two of the party but it sure felt good to deprive at least someone of a couple hours sleep.

We found a sweet picnic spot an hour away and made pancakes and swam in the Colorado River. I hope they had a terrible morning.”

Here’s what Reddit users had to say.

This person had a lot to say.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Another individual chimed in.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

This person didn’t hold back.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Another reader shared a story.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Right back at ya, jerks!

I bet they were bleary-eyed.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.