September 30, 2024 at 6:21 am

Rude Teenage Passenger Sat Next To Him And Acted Like A Jerk, So He Pretended to Sleep In The Aisle Seat So He Couldn’t Use The Bathroom

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Shutterstock

You know when you have to go to the bathroom really badly on a flight but you don’t want to disturb the person sleeping in the aisle seat?

Sure you do!

Well, did you know that, if you happen to be the person in the aisle seat, you can wield tremendous power and make the lives of your fellow passengers miserable?

Now you do!

Let this story from Reddit be your guide in revenge…

Petty revenge against annoying passenger on a long flight.

“I was on a long flight from Brisbane, on a proper sized jet. Lots of people because it was the summer an everyone was either going to or returning from vacation.

Unfortunately for this very long flight I was situated behind this brat, he looked about 15 or 16 ish, but certainly didn’t act like it. For one thing he’d kick the seat constantly and blast loud, annoying music from his Switch.

His dad apologised and tried to get him to settle down. I just tried to ignore him, hard to do with the kicking an loud music.


They seemed to be having some sort of argument on top of all of this too, like towards the end of the flight, but still with many hours to go. Eventually, his dad has enough an actually tells him to go sit next to me.

I roll my eyes but smile an try to be polite, only to be greeted by a grunt from the young man. I’m on the aisle seat, with one of the few free seats next to me by the window.

He pushes past as I get out of my seat for him-not saying sorry or excuse me or anything and continues to blast loud music from his Switch an swig from Mmountain Dew bottle. I politely try an talk to him but he quite literally gives me the finger.

Nice kid!

Well, he’s already finished Mountain Dew bottle and was into a second, it was the inly drink available at the store where we departed-after we went through security an had to toss put all liquids.

So, I put my rucksack by where he could atleast try an squeeze past an put my tray table down. Then pretend to sleep, with my earpods in, listening to a podcast.

This was good!

Later, he gets up an is like “move, I need the bathroom “, I pretend not to hear him. He tries to shove past but dad is like “don’t you dare push past someone sleeping, sit back down or you are in so much trouble when we land”.

He whines but sits back down, probably regretting drinking all that Mountain Dew.

The next hour I could hear him squirming. As soon as the seatbelt sign chimed, I was suddenly roused from sleep an asked him pleasantly if he had a good flight.

He was literally holding himself an looking uncomfortable, the phrase ‘back teeth floating’ comes to mind. He whines about needing to go, bad. I say it’s unfortunate the seatbelt sign is on.

Now, the sign is on, but there’s still drinks out, and I still have a plastic glass and a bottle of water, I slowly pour out my water in front of him-making a real show of it and take a rather noisy drink.

They nailed it!

When the plane finally landed he was crossing his legs tight. It took ages to off board everyone and I spent a few minutes chatting to the dad as the plane emptied out.

All the while the boys sitting there looking uncomfortable. When we finally got to enter the terminal, he was carrying hand luggage an walking awkwardly.

I lost track of them by that point, but I did notice the huge lines for passport control and the distinct lack of bathrooms until you entered the main terminal.”

Here’s what folks had to say on Reddit.

This reader chimed in.

Source: Reddit

Another individual shared their thoughts.

Source: Reddit

This person had an idea…

Source: Reddit

And this. person spoke the truth!

Source: Reddit

That kid didn’t know what was in store for him!

If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.