September 8, 2024 at 9:20 pm

Scientists Say Massive Hydrothermal Explosion Caught On Video At Yellowstone National Park Is Not A Sign Of A Supervolcano Eruption

by Michael Levanduski

Source: Wikipedia

It is common knowledge that Yellowstone National Park sits atop one of the largest volcanoes in the world.

In fact, when this supervolcano erupts, it could have devastating results throughout most of the West side of the country, and impact the climate around the world.

While there is no way to predict exactly when a full eruption will occur, they are extremely rare.

The US Geological Survey explains:

“The United States Geological Survey (USGS) estimates there are one or two major caldera-forming eruptions and a hundred or so lava extruding eruptions per million years, and “several to many” steam eruptions per century.”

While knowing that a super volcano eruption is very unlikely, the tourists at Yellowstone who witnessed a huge hydrothermal explosion weren’t likely comforted.

While viewing the natural beauty at the Biscuit Basin in the park, tourists got to witness mud, rocks, boiling water, and steam shoot high into the air.

Not surprisingly, the explosion sent them running.

Fortunately, nobody was hurt in this event.

Source: Wikimedia

Naturally, many people wondered if this hydrothermal explosion was evidence that the volcano was becoming more active, and may be getting ready to erupt. According to the park services, that is not the case.

They released a statement, which said:

“No other monitoring data show changes in the Yellowstone region. Today’s explosion does not reflect a change in the volcanic system, which remains at normal background levels of activity.”

The heat and pressure in the ground throughout this region are the source of some natural wonders, including the iconic Old Faithful geyser.

They also add to the beauty of the region in many ways such as the bubbling mud pits, and colorful pools.

This explosion is a reminder that in addition to the amazing beauty of the region, there is also some unpredictable danger to watch out for.

Even if this explosion was not a warning of volcanic activity, it will hopefully remind visitors to be careful when enjoying one of the most beautiful parks in the world.

You can see a video of the hydrothermal explosion here. It is quite impressive.

Enjoy the beauty of Yellowstone at your own risk.

Be careful out there, and pay attention to the signs.