September 27, 2024 at 1:48 am

She Inherited Money From Her Parents, And Her Husband Thinks It’s For His Sisters’ House, But She Has Other Plans

by Diana Whelan

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Timon Reinhard

Picture this: You’ve been married for over 30 years, paid off the family farm, and built your dream house.

But now your husband thinks your parents’ hard-earned inheritance should go towards building his sisters a brand-new home on your land… rent-free, of course.

Oh, and you’ll be covering their property taxes and insurance, too.

Sounds like a great deal, right?


Read on for the story.

AITA for not using my inheritance (from my parents) for my husband’s family

AITA for not wanting to use my inheritance to pay for building my husband’s sisters a home on our farm?

My husband (52) and myself (50) have been married for 31 years. We purchased his parents farm several years ago and paid for it with a mortgage.

We have since paid that mortgage off. We also built our forever home on the farm and it is also paid for and we raise cattle on the farm.

Wow, good for you guys.

His family is always asking for help. His sisters specifically and a couple of his nephews.

For context, we took care of his father, mother, and Down’s syndrome sister when nobody else in his family would take care of them.

We were the only ones of his siblings who still had young children at home but we felt that if we didn’t take care of them the state was going to step in and take them away.

In my family you take care of your family so we took them in and never looked back.

However I think his family resented us for this and somehow feels like they are owed something because we own the family farm.

And for some reason my husband thinks he has to take care of his other sisters even though there is nothing wrong with them except they have low IQs.

Oh boy.

I have inherited a decent amount of money from my parents. My husband doesn’t know the specifics and is upset that I won’t disclose the amount.

He doesn’t have access to the account.

He wants me to take some of the money and build a house on our farm (his family farm) for his sisters to live in so they won’t have to pay rent anymore or live in apartments.

He wants us to pay their property taxes and insurance because “they won’t be able to afford that” but they can pay their utilities. He doesn’t want to charge them rent.

Why should I use my inheritance that my parents worked their butts off to earn and pass on to me so that my husband’s lazy sisters can sit in a brand new house on their family’s farm and never have to pay property tax or insurance or rent?

Uhhh, you shouldn’t.

I feel like this is my money and I shouldn’t have to spend it on his family.

I want to put the majority of it in trust funds to our two children so I can pass it on to them.

And to be honest I am seriously thinking about just taking my inheritance and getting a divorce and living happily ever after.


After bending over backward for his family, now she’s expected to foot the bill for a house they’ll never pay for?

Yeah, she’s not having it. And neither is Reddit.

This person says when hubby thinks your inheritance is a family free-for-all, do you hand it over or hand him divorce papers?

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person is definitely on her side, too.

Source: Reddit/AITA

And this person has got some jokes.

Source: Reddit/AITA

You know how the saying goes…

When “family farm” starts sounding like “free handouts,” maybe it’s time to start farming a new future.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.