September 14, 2024 at 8:20 pm

Future Engineer Was Having A Going Away Party When Her Rude Cousin Started Questioning Her Intelligence. So She Yelled At Him And Put Him In His Place, But Now Some People In The Family Are Upset.

by Michael Levanduski

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

When one of your children is getting ready to go off to college on a full scholarship, you have every right to be proud.

But hat happens when a (clearly jealous) family member shows up at her going away party just to give her a hard time?

That’s what happened to this young lady, but don’t worry, she really stood up for herself (and then some).

Check it out!

AITA for allowing my daughter to be arrogant towards her cousin?

I have this nephew Jake (38) who likes to use big words and show off his intelligence.

People like this can be annoying.

The thing is with Jake he has never lived on his own and has had mostly low paying jobs as a retail security gaud.

My daughter Anna (17) is going to college on a STEM scholarship and is already signed up for a work program through the school.

She’s also more than 20 years younger than Jake.

Very impressive, she deserves the party!

So yes this is her big accomplishment and we had a going away party for her.

She got some cute things for her dorm and is excited.

She also was a little emotional because she will be leaving our family and there was some tears.

He sounds insufferable.

Jake was a jerk trying to quiz my daughter but Jake didn’t even go to college or receive any scholarship.

My daughter was annoyed and didn’t want to play Jake’s trivia games him because Jake will gloat if she gets something wrong.

Good for her!

My daughter finally flipped out on Jake because of something said about student loans.

My daughter told Jake that she doesn’t have student loans because she is smarter than him and he’s just jealous because he has never had the courage to do anything except be miserable take in dead end jobs and live with his mommy until the age of 40.

This was my daughter going away party and my sister grabbed her gift and started calling my daughter ungrateful and Jake called my daughter the C word.

A man older than her says that to a teenager.

I told Jake and my sister to get out of my home and not come back.

I told Anna she doesn’t ever have to apologize and make herself smaller for people like Jake. **** people like him.

Grandma is taking the wrong side of this fight.

My mom (their) grandmother said young ladies should be gracious at their own party and I was giving my daughter some bad advice.

I asked my mom why is it okay for Jake to be arrogant when my daughter can’t?

My mom left after that say I have raised a spoiled brat who doesn’t know her place.

I disagree and I tried my best to cheer my daughter up but it did put a mood on her going away party?


Wow, that must have been an awkward party.

Take a look at some of the comments on this story.

Yes. Talk about respect!

Source: Reddit/AITA

I would have loved to be at that party.

Source: Reddit/AITA


Source: Reddit/AITA

Grandma is a little out of touch.

Source: Reddit/AITA

She’ll be changing the world.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This young lady knows how to stand up for herself!

And honestly, good for her.

If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.