September 13, 2024 at 2:48 pm

New Homeowner’s Neighbors Ask Him To Cut Down A Hedge Because It’s Blocking Their View, But He Refuses Because He Owns A Historical Property

by Michael Levanduski

Source: ShutterStock/Reddit

When you buy a house from someone, the home and property become yours to do whatever you would like with.

So what happens if the person who sold you the house still owned the property next door and they are complaining about the hedges you planted?

That is what the guy in this story is dealing with.

Check out the details to see if he is handling the situation properly.

AITA for blocking an Airbnb’s view of my home?

Last year we bought a historical property, with a fair size chunk of land.

The previous owners had ran it as a small hotel but couldn’t keep up with the pace at their age anymore.

We turned the property back into a private residence.

Sounds like a good idea.

A main country road runs right by the longest edge of the unfenced garden so we decided to plant hedges for privacy and to block off access in case my nephews visit and play football etc.

There is a small “gardener’s cottage” right at the edge of this line, which was sold separately when we bought our home.

Nothing to worry about so far.

We made sure to keep any bushes between us and them on our side of the property line.

We were unaware that the elderly couple had sold the cottage to a relative of theirs and that he had planned to turn it into an Airbnb.

We only know this now as after a summer of growth the owner had finally noticed the small “hedge” and realised what we’d done.

Ahh, now I see where the issue is.

He, and the couple, have sent official looking letters stating we are impeding their reasonable enjoyment of the property as they had planned to market the cottage as part of the property with “views of a historical landmark.”

Once our hedge is full height that view will be greatly diminished if not almost entirely gone.

Was I wrong for potentially damaging someone’s income by planting these hedges?


While I don’t think they did anything wrong, it would be a nice thing to remove the hedge if they don’t mind.

Let’s see what people in the comments have to say.

He can do what he wants with the property.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Not even close.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This would put an end to it.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Not how it works at all.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Yup, they can make an offer if they want.

Source: Reddit/AITA

They have no legal leg to stand on.

Your house, your hedges, your rules.