September 14, 2024 at 6:25 am

Woman’s Greedy Relatives Kept Asking For Money, Clothes, And Even A Potential Partner. When She Ignored Them, Her Mom Called Her Selfish.

by Heide Lazaro

Source: Reddit/AITA/Canva

Distant relatives can be toxic if all they do is ask and ask and ask for the things they need.

Some of them would even use their poor condition in life to take advantage of their well-off family members.

This woman received messages from her relatives in the Philippines, asking for money, clothes, and even a potential partner to get them out of debt.

When she decided to ignore and block them, her mom called her selfish.

Check out the story below and weigh in!

AITA for blocking/ignoring family in 3rd world country and refusing to give away money?

I have family in the Philippines who lives in run down areas of the country.

They can barely afford medication for sick family members and can’t afford clothing.

My parents gives them a hefty amount of money every month for their basic needs.

This woman receives Facebook messages from her relatives in the Philippines.

However, I have cousins who I barely know message me on Facebook, asking for more money because of unexpected emergencies.

I also have relatives who message me and ask me to find them romantic partners in the U.S., so it’d be easier to immigrate here.

I am a full-time student who is currently paying off student debt, struggling to keep a roof over my head as it is.

But I do have a couple thousand saved in case of emergencies.

They want her to send more money and clothes to them.

I block and remove all of my cousins, because all they ask for is money and a romantic interest to propose to, which I want nothing to do with.

They also see the clothes I’m wearing through my Facebook photos and ask to send them over.

I’ve sent old clothes that I no longer wear in the past, but they continue to ask for more.

When she refuses, her mom thinks she’s being selfish.

I spoke to my mother about my family, and she tells me I’m selfish for having this extra money and not giving it to my family.

She goes on about how I have aunts and uncles with cancer, and medical needs are expensive.

This makes me feel guilty, knowing they have less than me, and I have sick relatives.

But I don’t want to be put in a vulnerable position because I don’t have extra funds.

Am I the jerk for ignoring family in need?

Let’s find out how other people react to this story.

This user shares an insightful comment.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This one also makes a good point.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Here’s a personal experience from this user.

Source: Reddit/AITA

You don’t owe them anything, says this one.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Finally, here’s another good advice.

Source: Reddit/AITA

It’s not your job to get them out of poverty.

As sad as that might be in the moment.

If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.