September 30, 2024 at 1:23 am

Woman Is Repeatedly Ghosted By Her Neighbor She Has A Crush On, So When He Texts Her Again After Moving Away She Ghosts Him Back

by Benjamin Cottrell

Source: Getty/Fizkes, Reddit/Petty Revenge

When people drift in and out of your life, it can be a clear sign to let them go.

After being ghosted by her old neighbor who she really liked, this woman was handed an opportunity to give him the same treatment – and she didn’t hesitate to do so.

Read on for all the details.

I moved on from a guy who kept ghosting me and ignoring me. One year after he moves away, he texts me wanting to reconnect.

Guy I had a thing for kept ghosting me so I moved on with my life.

A year later, messages me out of the blue.

She sets the scene.

I had a neighbor 3 years ago who I used to text back and forth a lot.

He’d always talk about hanging out and what not but any time I’d offer a time and day I’m available, it’d be crickets.

This person went out of her way to win their neighbor’s affection.

One time, I even came by and gave him some extra cookies I made and he wouldn’t respond.

I had texted him earlier that morning and he said I could come by at a certain time.

When I did, crickets.

He did finally get the cookies, but it was clear he wasn’t the best communicator.

The following day, I still had the cookies and when he saw me and I told him I’d been looking for him to give me the cookies, he told me he forgot.

I gave him the cookies and he apparently liked them a lot.

I admit I had a bit of a thing for him.

The stars finally aligned for a hangout, or so she thought.

One day, he did decide to hang out with me.

He worked from home so we decided it’d be 6 PM.

So, an hour before, I confirm and he doesn’t answer.

His excuses are flimsy, as always.

An hour later, he texts me that he’s busy with his twitch stream? And then an hour later, he even texts me that he needs time to change.

We didn’t go out until around 9:30 PM. And by that point, I was pretty upset since I put in a lot of effort to look good.

As time went on, it was clear their dating goals didn’t align.

We hung out one more time after that, but he’d ask me for selfies, what I’m wearing and it was extremely obvious that he just wanted something physical.

At some point, I stopped pining for him because I wasn’t going to waste my time on someone who didn’t respect my time.

She thought she would finally be rid of him.

At some point two years ago, he texted me he was moving away and I wished him well.

About two months ago, he texted me for the first time since he left.

But now he’s back to his usual antics.

He kept going on and on about how he missed me, how he wanted me to make my cookies for him, and how I should send selfies of myself.

He wanted to hang out and it was then that I remembered the constant ghosting, the plans that would always follow through, the times he made me wait…

I’d been out of town a couple of times with work on the nights he wanted to hang out.

She decides it’s time to finally turn the tables.

For the past two months, I’d gone back and forth with him, pushing the dates that we could hang out and reconnect back, and never sent any photos of myself.

I’d take days to reply to him.

Part of it was that I was petty, but another part of it was that he no longer had any weight in my life any more.

And she had no regrets about it.

I’d never gotten an apology before when he’d promise a time and either cancel or make me wait long enough.

Instead, he would always tell me I’m just being emotional and brush it off.

Turns out he didn’t like this treatment.

After a little over two months of doing the same thing to him that he did to me, today, he sent me a message that said:

“Cool then…I’m done being nice”

I just thumbs upped it and blocked him.

Sweet, sweet revenge.

Redditors chime in with their thoughts.

This user unfortunately knows this type of guy very well.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

You should never settle for anyone who’s not willing to prioritize you.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

According to this redditor, there’s actually a name for this behavior.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

The digital age brings on all new opportunities for heartbreak.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Finally, he felt the frustration of poor communication and constant ghosting.

She closed that chapter with a simple thumbs-up and a block.

If you liked that story, check out this one about a woman who went on a date with somebody who was 10 years older than her. Find out what happened!