September 30, 2024 at 5:24 am

Sister-In-Law Thinks She’s A Role Model Parent But Is Rude To Everyone, So She Decided To Put Her In Her Place

by Mila Cardozo

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/elly-fairytale

It’s expected that moms will adapt to their kid’s needs and might share advice here and there with other moms.

However, this woman’s sister-in-law acts like she’s a parenting role model and is extremely rude while at her son’s birthday party.

AND… she’s about to get a reality check.

Let’s analyze the situation.

AITA for telling my SIL the world doesn’t revolve around her and her kids?

I (33 year old female) am a mother of two. The other day was my son’s fifth birthday and my husband and I threw a party at our home. The party has caused a bit of a rift between me and my husband’s twin sister, ‘Eve’ (36 years old).

Eve and I don’t have much in common and usually I only see her during holidays and special occasions. She and my husband are not particularly close either. For context, Eve has three kids, ages 9, 5 and 2.

Since both of them have kids of similar ages, they should get along well enough, right?

A few days before the party, Eve messaged me that she may not go because it will be during her youngest’s nap time. I told her that her kid is more than welcome to sleep at our home and we can put her in our youngest’s bed.

Eve said she would think about it, but that she probably will not come.

Eve didn’t message me or my husband again so we assumed she was not coming but she did turn up on the day. About 5 minutes after she arrived, she asked if the bed was set up for her youngest and I explained we weren’t expecting them, so I would need a few minutes to get it ready.

Eve asked if we don’t keep our kids’ bedrooms tidy, which really irritated me!

Wow, some people would already ask her to leave after this remark.

Eve’s daughter slept fine. She did fuss a bit waking up, but at least the nap time issue was solved.

She saw the cake we had for our son which was hidden in our kitchen so he wouldn’t see it before it was time to blow out the candles. She said that her kids will not eat that kind of cake, it was lemon cake if that matters.

Strike two.

I know that a lot of kids probably aren’t keen on lemon cake but it’s what my son likes. I told Eve that we did have some candy in our kitchen that her kids could have so they don’t feel left out of having a treat.

They ended up leaving abruptly before we got the cake out and only said ‘bye’ to my husband.

It’s small details like this that reveal someone’s true feelings towards you.

They then came back with chocolate cupcakes from the corner shop (before we’d done cake and candles for my son, they were only gone for maybe 20-30 minutes) and started serving them to their kids.

The NERVE. That’s strike three.

This caused some of the younger kids at the party to start fussing because they wanted the cupcakes too and there wasn’t enough to go round.

Eve also repeatedly connected her phone to our bluetooth speakers to play music without asking us (when we already had music playing). I asked her to stop because it was just making the house sound like a mishmash of music and she said that I’m “being a grump”.

Okay, now this is just weird.

I guess that was the straw that broke the camel’s back for me and after the party I told her that the world doesn’t revolve around her and her kids. She called me selfish and said that I need to lighten up.

She and her family quickly left. My mother in law and father in law were still at our house which made things quite awkward. Eve has been giving my husband the cold shoulder since.


Let’s see what Redditors have to say.

A reader shares their thoughts on the situation.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another commenter shares some thoughts and advice.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person raises good points.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another commenter chimes in.

Source: Reddit/AITA

A commenter shares a strong opinion on the matter.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person says few but true words.

Source: Reddit/AITA

It’s crazy that she’s wondering if she’s in the wrong.

If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.